
父母婚姻状态与子女自杀尝试的关系及中介因素研究 被引量:6

Unstable parental marriage and suicide attempts in adult offspring and possible mediating factors
摘要 目的探讨父母婚姻状态与后代自杀尝试的关系及中介因素,为减少不稳定婚姻状态家庭后代的自杀行为提供参考。方法 2017-2018年,采用方便整群抽样方法,在湖南某高校大一新生中,抽取2 766名学生完成儿童期创伤和抑郁特质问卷,并报告了父母婚姻状况、是否自杀尝试等信息。结果相对于父母稳定婚姻状态的大学生,父母婚姻状态不稳定的大学生表现出更高的抑郁特质得分、儿童期创伤得分以及更高的自杀尝试的报告率(t/χ~2值分别为2.78,5.83,20.30,P值均<0.05)。非条件Logistic回归分析显示,儿童期创伤、父母不稳定婚姻状况、抑郁特质对自杀尝试正向预测(OR值分别为1.05,1.45,1.08,P值均<0.05)。父母婚姻状态→儿童期创伤→抑郁特质、儿童期创伤→抑郁特质→自杀尝试、父母婚姻状态→儿童期创伤→自杀尝试和父母婚姻状态→儿童期创伤→抑郁特质→自杀尝试4条中介路径均成立。结论儿童期创伤与抑郁特质中介了父母不稳定婚姻状态与后代自杀尝试之间的关系。 Objective To explore the relationship between parents’ unstable marital status and offspring’ s suicide attempts and the possible mediating factors, and to provide reference for suicide prevention among off spring grom unst able families. Methods From 2017 to 2018, 2 766 valid questionnaires were collected from freshmen in a university in Hunan province. Students completed questionnaires of childhood trauma and depression traits,and reported their parents’ marital status and suicide attempts etc.Results Compared to college students with parents of stable marital status,students with parents of unstable marital status showed higher reported rate of suicide attempts and higher scores of depression trait and childhood trauma( t/χ~2= 2.78, 5.83, 20.30, P<0.05). Controlling possible confounding factors,unconditional Logistic regression showed that childhood trauma,unstable marital status of parents and depressive traits were positively correlated with suicide attempt( OR = 1.05, 1.45, 1.08, P<0.05). The 95% confidence interval of the Bootstrapping method with four mediation pathways( parental marital status→childhood trauma→depressive trait,childhood trauma→depressive trait→suicide attempt,parental marital status→childhood trauma→suicide attempt and parental marital status→childhood trauma→depressive trait→suicide attempt) does not include zero. Conclusion Childhood trauma and depressive traits mediate the relationship between parental instable marriage and suicide attempts in off spring.
作者 刘剑波 龚靖波 林秀金 杨听雨 卢建平 LIU Jianbo;GONG Jingbo;LIN Xiujin;YANG Tingyu;LU Jianping(Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School,Shenzhen(518020),Guangdong Province,China;不详)
出处 《中国学校卫生》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第5期713-715,719,共4页 Chinese Journal of School Health
基金 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(2019M650358) 广东省医学科学技术研究基金(A2019155) 深圳市医疗卫生三名工程项目(SZSM201612079)。
关键词 家庭 婚姻状况 自杀 精神卫生 回归分析 学生 Family Marrital status Suicide Mental health Regression analysis Students
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