
民国时期岱山地区的渔盐社会生态--以1936年的盐户渔民暴动案为中心 被引量:3

The Fishery Salt Social Ecology in Daishan during Republic of China--A Atudy Centered around the Salt Seller and Fishermen Riot in 1936
摘要 多种人文与自然因素的叠加导致了民国二十五年岱山盐户渔民暴动案的爆发,该案既是天灾,更是人祸。早在清末至民国初年,岱山等滨海地区的渔盐社会生态已渐趋紧张。时有"闹粮戕官"案或渔民暴动案,时而又有闽盐、岱盐争端案与海难事件,或又发生盐户组合会风潮。民国八年的岱山奉帮渔民闹盐案,昭示该区的渔盐社会生态逐步恶化。民国二十五年的盐户渔民大暴动,则揭示其社会生态恶化的严重加剧,折射出其时其地之社会生态处于官民严重对立的局面,是社会矛盾与积怨的总爆发。案件之后,不仅在一段时间内仍有余波,并在社会的各个方面产生回响。官民双方均留下深深的阴影,产生既提防又惧怕的心理。官民之间呈现出的是一种敌对的张力,时有风声鹤唳。暴动案在双方之间留下的心结与伤痛,对于整个浙东滨海地区来说,其社会生态都很难在短时间内得到恢复,其负面影响也很难较快消歇。 The uniform acting of multiple social and natural factors led to the Daishan salt seller and fishermen riot in the 25 th year of the Republic of China, the case is somewhat a natural catastrophe, but even more the consequence of human actions. As early as the end of the Qing dynasty to the first few years of the Republic of China, there were tension in the fishery salt social ecology in coastal regions such as Daishan.There were‘Anti-government for food’cases and fishermen riots, and there were salt business friction between Fujian and Daishan, and coastal incidents, and the merging of salt sellers. The Daishan fishermen salt riot in the 8 th year of the Republic of China indicated the gradual escalation of tension in the fishery salt ecology in that area. The fishermen salt seller riot in the 25 th year of the Republic of China, revealed the severe worsening of social ecology, and is a reflection of the hostile state between the people and the authority at that time and place. This was a total outbreak of social tension and conflict. After the incident, things were not just far from over, there were echoes and ripples in all parts of the society. An aftermath was left in both the hearts of the authorities and the people, leading to a defensive and fearsome psychology. There goes a hostile tension between the authorities and people, with small friction there and then. For the entire East Zhejiang costal regions, the echoes and heart brake left by the riot within the hearts of both parties, will be of negative consequence difficult to alleviate, leaving the social ecology in a tough state for a long time.
作者 尹玲玲 YIN Ling-ling(Center for Historical Geographical Studies,Shanghai Normal University,Shanghai 200234)
出处 《中国农史》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第2期117-125,共9页 Agricultural History of China
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“浙东地区河湖水系的历史变迁研究”(19BZS109)。
关键词 岱山 暴动 渔盐经济 渔盐社会 Daishan riot fishery slat ecology fishery salt society
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