
新时代海洋渔业资源治理的理论探讨与实践 被引量:1

Theoretical Discussion and Practice on the Governance of Marine Fisheries Resources in the New Era
摘要 通过对海洋渔业资源治理理论发展的梳理,结合新时代生态文明建设和国家治理体系现代化的目标需求,界定了新时代海洋渔业资源治理是政府、企业和社会在法律框架下,尊重文化传统,遵循海洋生态系统的基本规律,通过行政管理、经济政策和社会治理等多种手段和方式,最终实现对海洋渔业资源的协同保护的过程。系统回顾了70年来我国海洋渔业资源治理的实践历程,对照新时代海洋渔业资源治理的新内涵、新特征,指出差距:治理主体上,社会参与制度不完善,多元协同治理理念流于形式;治理手段上,片面强调行政手段,经济激励手段远远不足;治理结构上,传统模式下管理部门职能交叉,权责不清难以形成合力;治理机制上,"政府直控型"治理模式不能满足海洋渔业资源永续发展要求;治理功能上,"发展优先"根深蒂固,对海洋渔业资源服务功能多样性的保护不足。 This paper sorted out the development of the theory of marine fishery resource governance, and, by combining the needs of the ecological civilization construction of the new era and the modernization of the national governance system, defined that marine fishery resource governance in the new era is the process in which for the government,enterprise and society, on the basis of legal norms and cultural practices, use the multiple means and ways of administrative, economic and social management to finally realize the synergistic protection of marine fishery resources. It systematically reviewed the practice course of marine fishery resources governance in China in the past 70 years, and, in comparison with the new connotation and new characteristics of marine fishery resources governance in the new era, pointed out the gap: unclear boundaries and scope of marine fishery property rights are the root causes of excessive exploitation of fishery resources;in terms of the governance subject, with the one-way dominance of the executive branch, the concept of multi-dimensional collaborative governance becomes more formality;in terms of the governance measures, one-sided emphasis is laid on administrative means and economic incentives are far from enough;in terms of the governance structure, under the traditional mode, the functions of the management departments are overlapping and it is difficult to form synergy with unclear power and responsibilities;in terms of the governance mechanism, command and control management cannot meet the requirements for the sustainable development of marine fishery resources and in terms of the governance function, "development priority" is deeply rooted and the protection of marine fishery resources service function diversity is insufficient.
作者 李泽善 刘依阳 LI Zeshan;LIU Yiyang(College of Economics and Management,Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai 201306,China;Center for Ocean Economy,Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai 201306,China)
出处 《海洋经济》 2020年第2期28-34,共7页 Marine Economy
基金 上海市教委高校智库建设项目[A1-3315-20-0002] 国家海洋信息中心研究项目支持。
关键词 新时代 海洋渔业资源 公共治理 实践历程 New era Marine fishery resources Public governance Practice course
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