
基于数据挖掘分析《新安医学针灸精华》内科病症针灸选穴规律 被引量:2

Law Study on Acupoint Selection for Internal Medicine Diseases in Xin'an Medical Acupuncture Essence Based on Data Mining
摘要 目的:运用数据挖掘技术统计分析,探讨新安医家针灸治疗内科病症的常用选穴规律。方法:从《新安医学针灸精华》中选取感冒、咳嗽、哮喘、肺痨、心悸、头痛、眩晕等31种内科病症,采用Excel软件建立针灸选穴数据库,SPSS 21.0和Clementine12.0软件进行描述性分析、关联规则分析。结果:使用频次前5位的穴位分别是足三里、合谷、脾俞、肾俞、百会穴。依据经脉使用频次由高到低排序:足太阳膀胱经、督脉、任脉、足少阳胆经、足阳明胃经。合穴、原穴、络穴、募穴、背俞穴等特定穴最常使用。同时挖掘出高频穴位关联规则14条,其中腧穴间相关性较好的穴位为风池-合谷、曲池-合谷、曲池-足三里。结论:新安针灸医家论治内科疾病,选穴以阳经与任督脉的腧穴为主,遵循补益之法,从脾肾入手,补肾固本,扶正补虚,提升先后天之气;补虚与宣通合用,疏风散表,调和气血,调节脏腑经络阴阳平衡,使机体趋于良好的内环境。 Objective:To explore the rules of acupoint selection used in acupuncture for the treatment of internal medicine diseases by using data mining and statistical analyses.Methods:Thirty one medical cases of internal medicine diseases,such as cold,cough,asthma,pulmonary tuberculosis,palpitation,headache,vertigo in Xin'an medical acupuncture essence were selected,and recordings of prescriptions were extracted and sorted out to establish a database via office 2010.SPSS 21.0and Clementine 12.0were used for descriptive analysis and association rule analysis.Results:The top five high-frequency used acupoints are Zusanli,Hegu,Pishu,Shenshu and Baihui.According to the use frequency of meridians,the first top 5meridians were the bladder meridian of foot-taiyang,the governor meridian,the conception vessel,the gall bladder meridian,the stomach channel of foot-yangming.The most commonly used acupoints were he-sea acupoint,yuan-source acupoint,collateral acupoint,front-mu acupoint,back-shu acupoint.Meanwhile,14association rules of high-frequency acupuncture points were identified.A strong relationship existed between Fengchi and Hegu,Quchi and Hegu,Quchi and Zusanli.Conclusion:Xin'an's treatment of internal medicine diseases,the selection of acupoints is mainly based on yang meridians and the governor meridian and conception vessel.Following the method of supplement,the treatment generally starts from reinforcing spleen and kidney to promote the nature and nurture Qi.The combined methods of reinforcing deficiency and promoting an unimpeded flow,dispersing wind and exterior,harmonizing Qi and blood are applied in the treatment as well to regulate yin-yang balance of viscera and meridians,so that a good environment is established.
作者 王堃 吴欣 吴生兵 崔帅 周美启 Wang Kun;Wu Xin;Wu Shengbing;Wang Lina;Cui Shuai;Zhou Meiqi(Key Laboratory of Xin'an Medicine,Ministry of Education,Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine;Anhui Key Laboratory of Foundation and Technology of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Base,Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine;School of Graduates,Anhui University of Chinese Medicine,Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Hefei 230038,China;School of Acupuncture and Rehabilitation Medicine,Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Guangzhou 510006,China;Bozhou Institute of Chinese Medicine,Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Bozhou 236800,China)
出处 《亚太传统医药》 2020年第4期152-155,共4页 Asia-Pacific Traditional Medicine
基金 国家重点研发计划(2018YFC1704600) 国家自然科学基金(81674058) 安徽高校自然科学研究重点项目(KJ2019A0459) 安徽省自然科学基金(1908085MH289) 安徽省自然科学基金(1608085 MH231)。
关键词 新安医学 内科疾病 针灸选穴 数据挖掘 关联分析 Xin'an Medicine Internal Medicine Diseases Acupoint Selection Data Mining Clustering Analysis
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