
关于新闻传播共同体构建的对话 被引量:8

A Dialogue on Building the Community of Journalism and Communication Research
摘要 新闻业危机仅仅是新闻业界的危机吗?新闻学界可以置身事外看待业界吗?本文是记者和学者的一次学术对话,尝试打破学术与职业的二分,以共同体的视角将学界业界当成一个专业整体去看待,讨论在新闻教育和知识生产上如何合作,打破知识生产上的学界中心主义和教育上的业界中心主义,形成一个精神上紧密勾连的教育共同体和知识共同体,以共同体身份面对专业内外的双重危机挑战。 Is the journalism crisis just for the media industry? Can journalism academia stay aloof and research the media industry? This paper is an academic dialogue between a journalist and a scholar, trying to use community thinking to break the dualism of academia and industry and discuss how to cooperation in the journalism training and knowledge production. The interlocutors suggest we should break the academia centralism in knowledge production and the industry centralism in journalism training to form a closely interconnected spiritual journalism community. Only in this way can we meet the challenges of the dual crisis inside and outside journalism.
作者 曹林 张涛甫 CAO Lin;ZHANG Tao-fu
出处 《新闻大学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期1-18,119,共19页 Journalism Research
基金 国家哲学社会科学重点课题“中国特色新闻学话语体系建构研究”阶段性成果之一.
关键词 新闻学界/业界 共同体 知识生产 职业实体 journalism academia media industry journalism community knowledge production professional entity
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