
某化工企业车间及污水站挥发有机废气达标处理工艺设计及工程实践 被引量:3

Processes Design and Engineering Practice for Standard Control of Volatile Organic Pollutants fromWorkshop and Sewage Plant in Organic Chemical Industry
摘要 有机化工企业在生产和污水处理过程中会产生硫化氢、甲苯、石油醚和挥发性有机物(volatile organic compounds, VOCs)等恶臭气体,严重危害人体健康和周边环境。以有机化工企业的车间废气和污水站恶臭气体处理为例,借助源头减排的总体思想,本着低风量、高效率收集的原则,针对加氢流程车间产生的四氢呋喃、甲苯、石油醚、二氯乙烷等VOCs以及污水站处理过程中产生的非甲烷总烃、苯、甲苯和二甲苯、硫化氢等VOCs和恶臭气体,采用"碱洗+光氧催化氧化+碱洗+活性炭吸附脱附+催化氧化"处理系统进行处理,非甲烷总烃和苯的排放浓度分别为9.32 mg/m^3、未检出,甲苯与二甲苯合计排放浓度0.294 mg/m^3,臭气浓度1 280(无量纲),硫化氢排放速率0.007 32 kg/h,远低于《工业企业挥发性有机物排放控制标准》(DB 13/2322-2016)和《恶臭污染物排放标准》(GB14554-93)中排放限值,均能做到达标排放。该处理系统被实践证明在运行上稳定可靠,在技术上成熟可行。 There are many kinds of odorous gases in organic chemical industry,such as hydrogen sulfide,toluene,petroleum ether and volatile organic compounds(VOCs),which are harmful to human health and the surrounding environment.Take the treatment of workshop waste gas and malodorous gases in sewage station of one organic chemical enterprise as an example,the VOCs such as tetrahydrofuran,toluene,petroleum ether,and dichloroethane produced in the hydrogenation process of workshop,and non-methane total hydrocarbons,benzene,toluene and xylene,hydrogen sulfide and other odorous gases generated during the treatment of sewage stations were purified by the combined processes of“alkaline wash+photo-oxidation+alkaline wash+activated carbon adsorption/desorption+catalytic oxidation”.The emission concentrations of non-methane total hydrocarbons and benzene were 9.32 mg/m3 and null,respectively,and the total emission concentrations of toluene and xylene were 0.294 mg/m3,and odor concentration of 1280(dimensionless)and hydrogen sulfide emission rate of 0.00732 kg/h were determined,which were far lower than the emission control standard of volatile organic compounds in industrial enterprises(DB 13/2322-2016)and the emission standard for odor pollutants(GB 14554-93),and met emission standards.The whole processing system has been proven to be stable and reliable.
作者 刘慧丽 关杰 梁波 郭耀广 胡山 李英顺 吴鸿铖 朱亚南 LIU Huili;GUAN Jie;LIANG Bo;GUO Yaoguang;HU Shan;LI Yingshun;WU Hongcheng;ZHU Yanan(School of Environmental and Materials Engineering,Shanghai Polytechnic University,Shanghai 201209,Chin;Research Center of Resource Recycling Science and Engineering,Shanghai Polytechnic University,Shanghai 201209,China;Environmental Affairs Management Center of Pudong New Area,Shanghai 201203,China;Shanghai Xinjinqiao Environmental Protection Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 201201,China;Shanghai Wobai Environmental Development Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 201209;Shanghai Pudong Shuguang Research Center for High Environmental Treatment Technologies,Shanghai 201209,China)
出处 《上海第二工业大学学报》 2020年第1期17-23,共7页 Journal of Shanghai Polytechnic University
基金 国家自然科学基金(51678353) 上海市高原学科-环境科学与工程(资源循环科学与工程) 上海第二工业大学培育学科(XXKPY1601) 上海第二工业大学研究生项目基金(EGD18YJ0046)资助。
关键词 挥发性有机物 恶臭气体 冷凝 碱洗 催化氧化 volatile organic compounds odorous gas condensation alkaline wash catalytic oxidation
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