
加拿大STEM教育项目“驻校科学家”述评 被引量:3

Commentary on Canada’s STEM Education Project “Scientists in Schools”
摘要 "驻校科学家"作为非盈利性的慈善项目,在加拿大加强科学教育、推进STEM教育中发挥着重要作用,至今已成为极受学校欢迎的一项"国家机制"。对"驻校科学家"项目的任务宗旨、发展历程、运行机制、课程资源以及实施效果的分析,可以为我国形成STEM教育良好生态、促进多方力量共同推进STEM教育提供借鉴和启示,主要包括加强科学家与教师的合作,以优化STEM教育的师资构成;基于真实情境的学习,丰富STEM教育的课程资源;拓宽资金来源,拓展STEM教育的支持通道以及面向全体学生,保障公平的STEM学习机会。 As a non-profit charity program, the project of "Scientists in Schools" has played an extremely important role in strengthening science education and promoting STEM education in Canada, and has become a very popular national mechanism among schools. By the analysis of the mission objective, development course, operation mechanism, curriculum resources, as well as the implementation effect of "Scientists in Schools", some references are obtained for the development of a good ecology of STEM education and promotion of STEM education by multiple forces in China. Such as scientists cooperate with teachers to enrich the composition of STEM teachers;stimulate interest and provide real situational STEM learning experience;multi-channel charitable donations to expand STEM education resources;expand the scope of influence, and ensure fair STEM learning opportunities.
作者 宋怡 肖敏 SONG Yi;XIAO Min(School of Environmental Science,Nanjing Xiaozhuang University,Nanjing 211171,China)
出处 《化学教育(中英文)》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第9期95-100,共6页 Chinese Journal of Chemical Education
基金 2018年度江苏高校哲学社会科学研究基金项目“基于德尔菲法的STEM课程特征建构研究”(2018SJA0425) 南京晓庄学院科研项目高层次培育项目“STEM素养视域下的科学教学重构”(2017NXY04)。
关键词 STEM教育 驻校科学家 加拿大 科学教育 真实情境 STEM education Scientists in Schools Canada science education real-world situation
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