

The Investment and Collection of the Viewing stones in the Era of Negative Interest Rate
摘要 去年12月21日,央行前行长周小川在创新经济论坛上讲了一句很重要的话:中国尽量避免快速地进入负利率时代。换个角度解读,就是负利率将无可避免地到来,只是时间快慢的问题。这定会促使人们为资金寻找出路以求避险,导致部分资产价格加速飙升,尤其是可投资的稀缺品。观赏石作为价值被严重低估的稀缺资源,或将迎来投资热潮。 On 21 December, 2019, Zhou Xiaochuan, the former governor of the people’s Bank of China, made a very important speech at the innovation Economic Forum: China should try to avoid entering the era of negative interest rates as quickly as possible. As a scarce resource which value is seriously been underestimated, the viewing stone may usher in an investment boom.1.The era of investment dividend in viewing stone is coming 2.The national fundamental policies on Art has been appeared on the stage in recent years3.How to grasp the investment direction of the viewing stone for the collectors Based on years of market experience and professional knowledge, the author will give some suggestions on the investment and collection of the Viewing Stones in this article.(1) Collection should have a good mentality.(2) In the future, the Viewing stone market will be seriously divided, not all the viewing stones will be collected.(3) We should take a cautious attitude to the non-mainstream viewing stone species;be wary of the hot and popular viewing stones which prices are rapidly increased in a short time;we should keep a rational attitude towards the viewing stones that are not good in quality and have no stone skin as well as the stones that are able to gain eyeballs by their shapes and colors.(4) Investment should be moderate, and the eggs should not all be put in one basket. There are certain risks in any investment, otherwise, the circulation of the viewing stone is poor, and the financial market of the viewing stone has not been established, it is difficult to cash in time in case of the urgent use of money, so it is necessary to do a good job in the asset allocation proportion of the investment collection.
作者 澄怀观道 Cheng Huaiguandao
机构地区 不详
出处 《宝藏》 2020年第4期118-121,12,13,共6页
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