
塞琉古王国的王后参政及其演变 被引量:1

Meng Fanqing(Northeast Normal University,Changchun 130024,China)
摘要 王后参政是希腊化时期普遍的政治现象,这在塞琉古王国多有体现。塞琉古王国的王后参政按照其参政程度、参政方式可划分为两个阶段:在王国前期,主要为本土王后的参政,她们多在丈夫外出征战时暂时参政,参政手段平淡而温和,参政程度相对有限;至王国后期,由于"王朝通婚",塞琉古王国的参政王后多来自于托勒密王国,这些王后在参政手段上一改前期王后参政的特点,表现得非常残酷与暴力,而且在参政程度和参政方式上都把王后参政推向了顶峰。塞琉古王国的王后参政在古典文献、铭文、钱币、巴比伦天文日志等史料中都有明显的反映。 The political participation of queens was a common political phenomenon in the Hellenistic period,which was deeply reflected in the Seleucid kingdom.The political participation of queens in the Seleucid kingdom can be divided into two stages according to their degree and the way of participation in politics.In the early period of the kingdom,who mainly took part in the political affairs were the local queens,Most of them were temporarily involved in politics when their husbands went out to fight,and the means of political participation were plain and mild,Participation in politics is relatively limited.However,in the later period of the kingdom,due to the“royal intermarriage”,the queens who participated in politics in the Seleucid kingdom mostly came from the Ptolemy kingdom.These queens changed the characteristics of participating in politics and showed very cruel and violent behaviors.Moreover,the degree and mode of political participation pushed its climax by those queens in the Seleucid Kingdom.The queen’s participation in politics in the Seleucid kingdom is clearly reflected in the historical materials such as classical literature,inscriptions,coins,and the Babylonian astronomical diaries.
作者 孟凡青 Meng Fanqing(Northeast Normal University,Changchun 130024,China)
出处 《河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期103-113,共11页 Journal of Henan Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金重大项目(15ZDB059) 河南省哲学社会科学后期资助项目(2018HQ024) 河南师范大学国家级项目培育基金(2017PW13) 河南师范大学青年科学基金(2016QR26) 河南师范大学博士科研启动基金(qd16129)。
关键词 塞琉古王国 王后参政 铭文 钱币 The Seleucid kingdom political participation of queens inscription coins
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