
贵州推进乡村振兴战略的路径与重点任务思考 被引量:4

The Consideration of Paths and Key Assignments for Promoting the Implementation of the Strategy of Rural Vitalization in Guizhou
摘要 实施乡村振兴战略是落实高质量发展要求、深化农村产业革命、构建贵州现代化经济体系的重要基础。近年来,贵州农业农村发展成效显著,推进乡村振兴的支撑条件正在不断夯实,乡村振兴面临历史性发展机遇,但同时也要看到现阶段乡村振兴依然面临一系列问题。加快推进乡村振兴战略的实施,要以推进乡村治理体系和治理能力现代化、农业农村现代化为主线,围绕产业振兴、人才振兴、文化振兴、生态振兴、组织振兴、城乡融合等方面,创新体制机制,走出一条特色发展之路。 To implement the Strategy of Rural Vitalization is to achieve the goal of high-quality development,enhance the level of Rural Industrial Revolution and also the important foundation of establishing modern economic system of Guizhou.In recent years,the significantly development of agriculture and rural areas in Guizhou are promoting support conditions of rural vitalization constantly and Guizhou is face with a historic development opportunity for revitalize rural areas.However,there are still a series of issues need to be solved.The key point for promoting the implementation of the Strategy of Rural Vitalization is to speed up the modernization of rural governance systems and capacity,also the modernization of agriculture and rural areas,and focus on the aspects of vitalization of industry,talent,culture,the environment,organizational structures,urban-rural integration and etc.Making efforts on innovating system and mechanism and find a distinctive path of development.
作者 黄勇 王彬 潘一 曹庆楼 Huang Yong;Wang Bin;Pan Yi;Cao Qing-lou(Guizhou Academy of Social Sciences,Guiyang,Guizhou 550002;Regional Economics Research Institute,Guizhou Academy of Social Sciences,Guiyang,Guizhou 550002;Economics and Management School,Qiannan Normal University for Nationalities,Duyun,Guizhou 558000)
出处 《贵州商学院学报》 2020年第2期1-9,共9页 Journal of Guizhou University Of Commerce
基金 贵州省社会科学院创新工程“贵州经济转型升级与发展战略研究创新团队” 乡村振兴战略智库人才基地研究项目。
关键词 乡村振兴 振兴路径 贵州 The Strategy of Rural Vitalization Vitalize Path Guizhou
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