
新文科视域下认知语言学的本土化研究路向——《认知语言学与汉语研究》述评 被引量:5

Localization of Cognitive Linguistics Research in the Context of New Liberal Arts:Review of Cognitive Linguistics and the Study of Chinese
摘要 Shu,Zhang&Zhang主编的《认知语言学与汉语研究》(2019)是对认知语言学在中国30余年来研究现状的全面评述,突出了当代认知语言学研究的3大转向,指出了语言学理论本土化研究的重要性。该书全面梳理了认知语言学研究的热点议题、研究范式,具有重要的参考价值和导向作用。文章对该书的主要内容及其"前沿性与应用性、本土性和导向性、批判反思性与主动求变性、交叉融合性与双向互动性"等特色进行了评述,并以新文科建设理念为指导从科学哲学研究范式、跨学科深度融合发展模型、跨语言对比验证研究及共时和历时研究相结合4个维度展望了基于汉语事实的认知语言学本土化研究路向。基于《认知语言学与汉语研究》,我们有理由相信,基于汉语特异性的语言事实研究将成为认知语言学理论创新的重要路向之一。认知语言学理论创新与汉语语法理论体系创建是一个生态系统,二者形成一种有机、双向互动的关系。认知语言学理论为汉语语法研究提供给养,汉语语法研究反哺于认知语言学理论体系创新。随着认知语言学理论创新的不断深入,认知语言学理论体系将更加完备、健壮。文章对中国认知语言学界及其他语言学流派进一步深入研究汉语事实具有一定的参考价值。 Dingfang Shu,Hui Zhang&Lifei Zhang's Cognitive Linguistics and the Study of Chinese(2019)surveys comprehensively throughout the 30 years of Cognitive Linguistics study in China,which highlights the three turns in Cognitive Linguistics and points out the importance of localization of linguistic theory.It comprehensively combs the hottest trends,research paradigms in Cognitive Linguistics.It is of great value and guiding significance for the localization of linguistic theories.This thesis gives a brief review of the book and its main characteristics such as pioneering,applicability,localization,guidance,critical reflection,striving for change,interdisciplinary integration,and bi-directional interaction.Based upon Cognitive Linguistics and the Study of Chinese,we believe that,researches on the heterogeneity of Chinese facts might be one approach of the theoretical innovation of Cognitive Linguistics.Thus under the guidance of philosophy of New Liberal Arts,a prospect of the localization of Cognitive Linguistics based upon Chinese facts is also drawn from the following four dimensions:research paradigm of philosophy of science,cross-disciplinary integration model,cross-linguistic contrastive verification as well as the combination of synchronic and diachronic research.It is an ecological system for the combination of Cognitive Linguistics and the making of Chinese grammar theories,which fully demonstrates an organic bi-directional interaction of the two:Cognitive Linguistics offers the basic affordance for Chinese grammar studies,and in converse,the study of Chinese grammar might feed in return for the theoretical innovation of Cognitive Linguistics.The deeper Cognitive Linguistics theory goes,the stronger its theoretical robustness might become.The thesis might offer a certain reference value for the study of Chinese,both for Cognitive Linguistics Circle and for the other linguistics schools in China.
作者 魏琛 WEI Chen(College of Humanities and Teachers'Education,Wuyi University,Wuyishan 354300,China;School of Foreign Languages,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,China)
出处 《北京科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2020年第3期1-10,共10页 Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 2018年度国家社会科学基金西部项目“类型学视域下的汉日语致使结构对比研究”(编号为18XYY032) 2018年度福建省教育厅中青年教师教育科研项目“生成词库理论与二语词汇多义性习得研究”(编号为JAS180526) 2019年度福建省教育厅中青年教师教育科研项目(高校外语教改科研专项)“基于使用的事件类动词多义性定量研究”(编号为JZ190089) 2017年度福建省社会科学规划基础研究项目“致使结构的类型与共性研究”(编号为FJ2017B120)阶段性研究成果。
关键词 新文科 《认知语言学与汉语研究》 本土化与理论创新 融合模型 内外部批评 New Liberal Arts Cognitive Linguistics and the Study of Chinese localization and theoretical innovation integration model criticism from inner and outside
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