

The Analysis on Utility of Government Response in Internet Age
摘要 随着时代的发展和进步,互联网成为了政府回应的新载体。因此,在网络时代政府更应注重其回应的及时高效性,这样不仅能促进政府职能转变,提高政府公信力,而且能强化公民的民主意识,引导公民理性参政,缓解社会矛盾,有效解决实际问题。政府回应在根本上是一个实践问题,对政府回应的相关问题进行深入探究,全面理解和掌握政府回应的基本理论及其深刻内涵,进而指导我国的政府回应建设,才能够有助于实现政府管理与公民民主自治的有效衔接和良好互动,也对推动政府决策由精英决策和经验决策向科学决策转变具有重要意义。 With the development and progress of the times,the Internet has become a new carrier of government response.Therefore,in such a network era,the government should pay more attention to the timely and efficient response.This will not only promote the transformation of government functions,enhance the credibility of the government,but also strengthen the democratic consciousness of citizens,guide the citizens to participate in politics,ease social contradictions and solve practical problems.Government's response is a practical problem in actual,in-depth inquiry of the relevant issues of government response,a comprehensive understanding and mastering the basic theory of government response and its profound connotation,and then guiding our government to respond to the construction can realize the effective link and good interaction between government management and civic democracy.It is also of great significance to promote government decision-making from elite and empirical decision-making to scientific decision-making.
作者 程倩 CHENG Qian(School of Marxism,Lanzhou Jiaotong University,Lanzhou, Gansu 730070,China)
出处 《杨凌职业技术学院学报》 2020年第2期26-29,共4页 Journal of Yangling Vocational & Technical College
关键词 政府回应 网络政治参与 公共利益 government response network political participation public interest
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