
近二十年中国教育史研究的考察——以《教育研究》等三种教育学术期刊论文为例 被引量:1

An Investigation into the Historical Research of Chinese Education in Recent 20 Years:Taking the Articles Published in Three Representative Journals Such asEducational Research as Examples
摘要 基于近二十年来公开发表在《教育研究》《高等教育研究》和《华东师范大学学报(教育科学版)》上的中国教育史学术论文,对发文数量、指向的时期和主题分布这三个方面进行统计分析发现,这一阶段的发文数量呈现出逐步递增、增速回落并保持稳定的趋势;研究指向的时期,以论文数量论,由多到少依次是晚清民国、现当代、先秦、汉唐宋元明清;研究主题不仅关注人物思想、教育制度等传统研究领域,更是深入拓展到了对教育史学建设与发展、课程与教学论发展史等各类问题的细化研究。由此可以看出近二十年来的中国教育史研究的几个明显的特点:一是教育史学研究领域的开拓;二是微观史的研究不断受到重视;三是教育史学科基础性作用不断受到重视。最后,针对近二十年来的研究现状与特点,提出思考与建议。 Based on the statistical analysis of the papers posted,the research periods and the research topics of 555 academic papers about Chinese educational history published in Educational Research,Journal of Higher Education and Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences)from January 2000 to June 2019,this paper found that the number of the paper posted in this period witnessed a gradual increase,then slowed and maintain a stable trend.More than half of the researches focuses on late Qing dynasty and the Republican period,followed by the modern and contemporary period,and pre-Qin and Han,Tang,Song,Yuan,Ming and Qing dynasties.In terms of the research topics,they not only focus on the traditional research fields such as people’s thoughts and educational system,but also extends to the detailed researches on various issues such as the construction and development of the educational history,the development of curriculum and teaching theory history and so on.From this investigation,it is found that the research of education history in recent 20 years shows several obvious characteristics.The first is the develop of the educational history;the second is the change from macro history to micro history;the third is the emphasize of the fundamental role of educational history.In view of the research status and characteristics in recent 20 years,the author puts forward the following considerations:the historical research of Chinese education has more historical experience to summarize and less lessons to reflect on.The academic debates and high-quality academic discussions are insufficient.In the future,the majority of educational researchers should jointly create a real academic discussion atmosphere rather than a mere formality.On the other hand,regional education history researches need to be strengthened.
作者 李宜江 吉祥佩 Li Yijiang;Ji Xiangpei(School of Education Science of Anhui Normal University)
出处 《教育史研究》 2020年第2期169-182,共14页 Educational History Studies
基金 安徽省学术与技术带头人后备人选科研资助项目(2018H167)。
关键词 近二十年 中国教育史研究 考察 recent 20 years historical research of Chinese education investigation
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