
我国多种所有制企业共同发展的时代内涵与“十四五”政策措施 被引量:17

The Connotation of Common Development of Multiple Ownership Enterprises in China and Promotion Measures for the“Fourteenth Five Year Plan”
摘要 所有制结构是我国基本经济制度的核心内容,是中国特色社会主义制度的重要支柱。新中国成立后,我国在所有制结构变革方面走过弯路。改革开放以来,党对中国基本经济制度的认识不断深化。面对国内外发展环境的巨大变化,党中央多次强调坚持“公有制为主体,多种所有制经济共同发展”的重要意义。然而,社会上关于“国退民进”与“国进民退”的争论一直未曾停止,其重要原因在于对多种所有制企业共同发展的判断标准不一致,且传统的单一判断标准无法适应新时代经济高质量发展的内在要求。本文立足于制度分析和历史分析,提出多种所有制企业高质量共同发展是多种所有制经济共同发展的高级形态和高阶范式。“高质量共同发展”更加强调不同所有制企业的发展质量和“共同发展”的质量,体现为各类所有制企业自身实现高质量发展,以及它们之间实现高水平和高层次的协同共生、互利合作和生态共建。“高质量共同发展”意味着不同所有制企业具有更加平等的角色定位、更高质量的营商环境、更为协调的竞合关系和更可持续的发展贡献。针对多种所有制企业共同发展面临的现实问题,本文提出完善法律制度、优化营商环境、完善要素市场化配置等政策措施。 Ownership structure is the core content of China's basic economic system and an important pillar of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics.From the founding of PRC to the year 1978,China had gone through a detour in the reform of ownership structure.Since the reform and opening up,the Communist Party's understanding on China's basic economic system has been deepened gradually,which led the public cognition to develop from the“main and auxiliary theory”to the“common development theory”.Over the past 40 years of reform and opening up,China's economic and social development has made great progress driven by the common development of various ownership economies.In the current situation,how to understand the common development of multiple ownership enterprises,how to take advantages of various ownership enterprises,and how to promote the common development of multiple ownership enterprises are not only related to the quality of China's economic development in the next step,but also related to the ultimate realization of the fundamental goal of socialism.Most of the domestic literatures still focus on the reform of state-owned enterprises,the development of private enterprises and how to make better use of foreign capital.There are few systematic researchers on the profound connotation,performance and corresponding policy focus of the common development of various ownership enterprises.Scholars have different understanding of the connotation of common development of various ownership enterprises and the relationship between different ownership enterprises,and some views even conflict with each other.At the same time,the controversies.about“state retreats and private advances”and“state advances and private retreats”have not stopped.The important reason is that there are different judgment standards for the common development of various ownership enterprises.Although scholars who hold the view of“common development”agree that public ownership can develop in the market economy system,their understanding and views are also quite different.Some differences are caused by the lack of in-depth understanding of China's basic economic system in the early stage.From the academic perspective,since the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,scholars'understanding of“common development of multi ownership economy”can be divided into“proportion and structure theory”,“symbiosis evolution theory”and“institutional environment theory”.At present,the judgment basis for the common development of various ownership enterprises mainly includes relative growth standard,market position standard,local phenomenon standard and institutional environment standard.Any one of these judgment standards has internal defects,which can not meet the internal requirements of high-quality economic development in the new era.The high-quality common development of multi ownership enterprises is a high-level form and high-level paradigm for the common development of multi ownership economy.“High quality common development”emphasizes the development quality and“common development”quality of different ownership enterprises,which is reflected in the realization of high-quality development of various ownership enterprises themselves,as well as the realization of high-level and high-level symbiosis,mutually beneficial cooperation and ecological co construction between them.“High quality common development”means that different ownership enterprises have more equal role orientation,higher quality business environment,more coordinated competition and cooperation relationship and more sustainable development contribution.In view of the practical problems faced by the common development of various ownership enterprises,this paper puts forward some policy measures such as improving the legal system,optimizing the business environment,and improving the market-oriented allocation of factors.
作者 中国社会科学院工业经济研究所课题组 史丹 SHI Dan;XIAO Hong-jun;GUO Chao-xian;LIU Jian-li(Institute of Industrial Economics,CASS,Beijing,100086,China)
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期5-24,共20页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目“新时代推进国有经济布局优化和结构调整研究(20AZD045) 中国社会科学院登峰战略企业管理优势学科建设项目。
关键词 十四五 多种所有制 共同发展 高质量发展 Fourteenth Five Year Plan multiple ownership common development high-quality development
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