
小带宽下LTE-M系统承载CBTC业务能力分析 被引量:1

Analysis of CBTC Service Carrying Capacity Loaded by LTE-M System under Low Bandwidth
摘要 业内对1.4 MHz和3 MHz等小频谱带宽承载CBTC(基于通信的列车控制)业务能力的研究报道不多。为了研究城市轨道交通车地综合通信系统(LTE-M)在小带宽下的业务承载能力,设计了基于LTE(长期演进)技术的LTE-M系统,并在青岛地铁2号线进行实地测试。测试结果表明:在满足丢包率、时延等要求的条件下,车地无线通信系统在1.4 MHz和3 MHz带宽下可分别承载3路和6路CBTC业务。 There are not many research works and reports on the communication based train control(CBTC)system loaded by 1.4 MHz bandwidth and 3 MHz bandwidth in the industry.In order to study the service carrying capacity of LTE-M system of urban rail transit under small bandwidth,the LTE-M system based on LTE technology is designed and tested on the spot of Qingdao metro Line 2.The results show that under the requirements of packet loss rate and delay,this system can carry 3 and 6 CBTC services under 1.4 MHz bandwidth and 3MHz bandwidth respectively.
作者 谢帅虎 宋传旺 李杰 刘栋 张守芝 霍晓峰 郝思媛 XIE Shuaihu;SONG Chuanwang;LI Jie;LIU Dong;ZHANG Shouzhi;HUO Xiaofeng;HAO Siyuan(Institute of Information&Control Engineering,Qingdao University of Technology,266520,Qingdao,China;不详)
出处 《城市轨道交通研究》 北大核心 2020年第6期119-122,共4页 Urban Mass Transit
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目(61701272) 青岛市轨道交通LTE-M系统综合承载研究项目(M4-ZX-2017-20)。
关键词 城市轨道交通 基于通信的列车控制 长期演进 车地通信 urban rail transit CBTC LTE train-ground communication
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