目的调查某市3所综合医院ICU护士职业性腰背痛情况,分析其影响因素。方法以某市3所综合医院的178名ICU护士为调查对象,调查内容包括一般人口学资料、职业性腰背痛现状,并分析职业性腰背痛的影响因素。结果 76.4%的ICU护士在近1 a的时间内曾出现职业性腰背痛,13.97%的ICU护士总患病时间超过30 d,2.21%的ICU护士因腰背痛而减少工作的时间超过30 d,77.21%的ICU护士因腰背痛检查治疗过;多因素分析职业性腰背痛患病率与工龄(OR=1.234,95%CI:1.53~3.56)、经常低头(OR=2.785,95%CI:1.33~5.45)、弯腰(OR=1.443,95%CI:1.54~2.61)、抬重物(OR=3.214,95%CI:1.45~3.68)、工作紧张(OR=1.887,95%CI:1.36~2.94)、值夜班(OR=2.263,95%CI:1.73~4.98)及是否锻炼(OR=0.435,95%CI:0.36~0.68)相关。结论 ICU护士腰背痛的发生率高,为降低其职业性腰背痛患病率,应加强职业防护培训,适度进行心理疏导,促进护士身心健康,降低职业性腰背痛发生率。
Objective To investigate the occupational back pain of ICU nurses in 3 general hospitals in a city and analyze the influencing factors. Methods A survey of 178 ICU nurses from 3 general hospitals in a city was conducted,including general demographic data,indicators on the current status and the influencing factors of occupational back pain. Results In the past year,76.4% of ICU nurses had experienced professional back pain,13.97% of ICU nurses had been ill for more than 30 d,2.21% of ICU nurses had been working for less than 30 d due to back pain,and 77.21% of ICU nurses had been treated for back pain. Multivariate analysis of the prevalence of occupational back pain and working years(OR=1.234,95%CI:1.53~3.56),frequent lowering of the head(OR=2.785,95%CI:1.33~5.45),bending(OR=1.443,95%CI:1.54~2.61),heavy lifting(OR=3.214,95%CI:1.45~3.68),work stress(OR=1.887,95%CI:1.36~2.94),night shift(OR=2.263,95%CI:1.73~4.98)and exercise(OR=0.435,95%CI:0.36~0.68). Conclusions ICU nurses have a high prevalence of back pain. In order to reduce the prevalence of occupational back pain,occupational protection training should be strengthened and psychological counseling should be conducted appropriately to promote nurses’ physical and mental health and reduce the incidence of occupational back pain.
BAI Ya-nan;XING Shi-ying;ZHANG Hui-quan(Beijing Shijitan Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University,Beijing 100038,China)
Industrial Health and Occupational Diseases