

Analysis of Children’s Media Literacy Evaluation
摘要 儿童媒介素养教育成为教育的题中应有之义,而评价素来就是教育难题,如何评价儿童的媒介素养更是亟待探索的领域。文章尝试回到素养的本源来梳理儿童媒介素养教育与评价的内涵与本质,主张采用嵌入过程的描述性评价来开展儿童媒介素养评价,并基于案例探讨了儿童媒介素养描述性评价的实践样态与要领。 Children’s media literacy education has become significant.Nevertheless,since evaluation has always been an educational problem,how to evaluate children’s media literacy needs to be explored.This article attempts to return to the origin of literacy to sort out the connotation and essence of children’s media literacy education and evaluation,advocates the use of descriptive evaluation of the embedded process to develop children’s media literacy evaluation,and discusses the practice and essentials of the descriptive evaluation of children’s media literacy based on practical cases.
作者 李树培 LI Shupei(School of Open Learning and Education,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200062,China)
出处 《教育参考》 2020年第3期31-36,共6页 Education Approach
基金 全国教科、教育部重点课题“中小学教师专业道德涵育路径的实证研究”(项目批准号:DHA180353)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 儿童 媒介素养 描述性评价 Children Media Literacy Descriptive Evaluation
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