

Application of analog signal of battery equipment and treatment of common faults
摘要 首先,着重介绍了PLC模拟量的使用方法;然后,结合模拟量在蓄电池生产设备中的应用,详细介绍了蓄电池装配设备中电阻尺和角度传感器的应用方式,及常见的故障处理;最后,介绍了常见模拟量输出传感器与模拟量输入模块的接线方式,以及电压与电流信号的选择。 This paper mainly introduces the use method of PLC analog quantity,and combined with the application of analog quantity in battery production equipment,introduces in detail the application mode of resistance ruler and angle sensor in battery assembly equipment and common trouble shooting.The wiring mode of common analog output sensor and analog input module,the selection of voltage and current signals are also introduced.
作者 徐超 黄毅彪 马友桥 陈志雪 XU Chao;HUANG Yibiao;MA Youqiao;CHEN Zhixue(Fengfan Co.,Ltd.,Baoding Hebei 071057,China)
出处 《蓄电池》 2020年第3期120-123,150,共5页 Chinese LABAT Man
关键词 蓄电池 PLC 模拟量 电阻尺 角度传感器 输出传感器 标定 故障处理 battery PLC analog quantity resistance angle sensor output sensor calibration failure treatment
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