As Scott’s first Scottish historical novel,Waverley represents the construction and dissolution of the Scottish emotional community based on Stuart Myth,which indicates Scott’s concern for the dual role feelings played as both constructive and destructive forces in the process of community construction.In addition,by the representation and performance of this evolving process,the novel provides the public a possibility of rethinking the dual role of the collective feelings,thus helps to release the accumulated ethnic collective feelings,and create a new community based on shared future.It is believed that the romantic feelings towards the lost Scottish past serves as the basis of the construction and association of Scottish community,and this feeling will spread into broader social realm in the movement of its group members,and thus help the formation of Scottish community that is full of emotional energy.However,in the process of interaction and communication of feelings,this community is also in the process of disintegration.Scott criticized the irrationality of Scottish community based on fanatical collective feelings,while at the same time believed the romantic feeling within the frame of reason.This reflects Scott’s attempt of interpreting Scottish culture and tradition within the frame of the Union of England and Scotland.
Zhang Xiuli(School of Foreign Languages,Shanghai University,Shanghai 200444,China)
Foreign Language and Literature Research