

The Views of Essentials for Reading the Classic of poetry by the Sinologist Zhong cunlanlin in the Edo Period
摘要 日本江户时代是中国儒学、汉学在日本的鼎盛时代,在江户时代朱子学一度成为日本的官学,故而江户时代是朱熹的《诗》学独霸时期。江户时代日本涌现出一大批儒学家、汉学家,中村兰林就是其中一位。中村兰林著作颇多,并且在社会上广泛流传。中村兰林热爱读诗,著有《读诗要领》,其中主要观点为:读《诗》须反复咏诵、"观其诗"而"知君政善恶"、读《诗》须知"诗"之"经""纬"、读《诗》感触"诗"之教、读《诗》体察"言何志"。作为日本人的中村兰林,在其著作《读诗要领》中,引用大量的中国古代思想家、哲学家的思想,他不仅对中国古代的《诗》进行了研究,还对中国古诗有关的理论进行了深入研究,中村兰林对读《诗》要领的论述,是其对中国的古籍博览的总结和独见。 The Edo era of Japan is the heyday of Chinese Confucianism and Sinology in Japan.In the Edo era,zhuzixue became the official school of Japan.Therefore,the Edo era is also the dominating period of Zhuxi’s study on the Book of Songs.In the Edo era,a large number of Confucianists and Sinologists emerged in Japan,including Zhong cunlanlin(なかむららんりん).There are many works of Zhong cunlanlin,which are widely spread in the society.Zhong cunlanlin(なかむららんりん)is fond of reading poetry and has written Essentials for Reading the Classic of poetry.The main points are:to read the Book of Songs,one should chant repeatedly,"observe its poetry"and"know the good and evil of monarch and government",read the"classics"and"latitudes"of"poetry"in the instructions of the Book of Songs,read the the Book of Songs and feel its teaching,read it and observe"what is the meaning of the poem".As a Japanese,Zhong cunlanlin(なかむららんりん)quoted a large number of thoughts of ancient Chinese thinkers and philosophers in his book Essentials for Reading the Classic of poetry.He not only studied the ancient Chinese poetry,but also deeply studied the theories related to the ancient Chinese poetry.Zhong cunlanlin’s exposition of Essentials for Reading the Classic of poetry is his summary and unique view of the ancient books of China.
作者 史少博 SHI Shao-bo
出处 《北方论丛》 2020年第4期30-36,共7页 The Northern Forum
基金 2019年度国家社科基金西部项目“日本近代公德流变探究”(19ZXZ007)。
关键词 日本江户时代 中村兰林 《读诗要领》 The Edo era of Japan Zhong Cunlanlin(なかむらんりん) Essentials for Reading the Classic of poetry
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