

Legal Study of Securities Market’s Cyber Risk:from the Perspective of a New Development in International Practice
摘要 证券市场在享受信息科技发展红利的同时也成为网络攻击的重要目标,网络风险正成为一个日益加剧的系统性风险。目前,国际社会从网络风险管理、网络安全信息共享以及网络风险与网络安全事件信息披露三个方面对证券市场网络安全采取了法律应对措施。结合我国证券市场发展现状及规制实践,我国应通过引入最佳实践提升网络安全管理标准的可拓展性和灵活性,并完善以证监会为核心的网络安全信息共享制度,尽快填补上市公司网络风险和网络安全事件信息披露规则的空白,进而完善证券市场网络风险的规制。 While enjoying the development bonus of information technology,the securities market has also become an important target of cyber-attacks.Cyber risk is a growing systemic risk,and it is necessary to regulate it in time.At present,the international community has taken corresponding legal measures for cyber security of securities market from three aspects:cyber risk management,cyber security information sharing and information disclosure of cyber risks and cyber security incidents.On the basis of investigating the existing regulation practice and combining with the development status of Chinese securities market,China should issue a series of standards,guidelines,laws and regulations in the above three aspects to alleviate the negative impact of cyber risk on China’s securities market.
作者 周聖 Zhou Sheng
机构地区 厦门大学法学院
出处 《证券市场导报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期60-69,共10页 Securities Market Herald
基金 2019年度福建省社科规划省法学会专项“金融科技的勃兴与监管科技运用的法律路径”(FJ2019TWFB05)。
关键词 网络风险 系统性风险 网络安全管理标准 网络安全信息共享 信息披露 cyber risk systemic risk cyber security management standards cyber security information sharing information disclosure
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