知识有不同的类型,例如工程知识、科学知识、伦理知识等。古代出现了虽然重视知识但又贬低甚至排斥工程知识的吊诡现象,这使得传统的“知识论”成为了“仅仅重视研究科学知识而排除研究工程知识的知识论”,可谓之“知识论1”。20世纪中期以后出现了三种关于知识的新观点:赖尔的操作性知识(knowing how)、波兰尼的默会知识和认知科学家的具身认知,它们都与工程知识有不解之缘。但是,工程知识真正成为独立的哲学概念首先出现在工程史领域。21世纪初以来,工程知识论初步发展成为一个与科学知识论并列的分支学科。展望未来,知识论应该以全部知识类型为研究对象,从而发展为“新阶段”的“知识论2”。
There are different types of knowledge,such as engineering knowledge,scientific knowledge,ethical knowledge,and so on.There was a paradox in ancient times that philosophers paid attention to knowledge but belittled or even excluded engineering knowledge,which had made the theory of knowledge in ancient times and even in modern times“the theory of knowledge that only pays attention to scientific knowledge and excludes engineering knowledge”,which can be called the theory 1 of knowledge.Since the middle of the 20th century,there have been 3 new views on knowledge:Ryle’s knowing how,Polanyi’s tacit knowledge and cognitive scientists’embodied cognition,all of which are inextricably related to engineering knowledge.However,as an independent philosophical concept,engineering knowledge first appeared in the field of engineering history.Since the beginning of the 21st century,the theory of engineering knowledge has become a branch of the theory of knowledge,which is parallel to the theory of scientific knowledge as another branch of the theory of knowledge.Looking forward to the future,philosophers should strive to establish“the theory 2 of knowledge”,that is,the theory of knowledge which studies all types of knowledge on the basis of studying different branches such as the theory of scientific knowledge,the theory of engineering knowledge and the theory of ethical knowledge.
Philosophical Analysis
types of knowledge
theory of knowledge
engineering knowledge
theory of engineering knowledge
theory 2 of knowledge