

Research on the Application of a New Safety Auxiliary Device in Portal Crane
摘要 随着全球运输业进入综合物流时代,港口在经济发展中的作用和地位发生了深刻的变化,港口作为全球综合物流运输网络的主要环节,其功能已经由传统的物流搬运向综合性物流装卸发展。中国拥有1.8万km海岸线和11万km内河航道,其承担着9%的国内贸易运输和85%以上的外贸货物装卸、运输。随着“一带一路”倡议的推进和水铁多式联运的发展,港口码头的装卸要求将被大大提升。起重机作为港口设备的一种,越来越多地承担着重要的装卸角色。起重设备的安全、可靠地运行是港口作业效率的重要保障,因此设备的维护、保养变得越来越重要与频繁。如何保证维修、保养人员的安全是每个港口管理者必须考虑和实施的事情,更是设计、制造厂家必须解决的课题。本文将重点介绍一种新型的安全辅助装置在门座式起重机中的应用。 With the global transportation industry entering the era of integrated logistics,the role and status of ports in economic development have changed profoundly,ports are the main links of the global integrated logistics transpor⁃tation network,its function has developed from traditional logistics handling to comprehensive logistics loading and unloading.China has a coastline of 18000 km and an inland waterway of 110000 km,which undertake 9%of domes⁃tic trade transportation and more than 85%of foreign trade cargo handling and transportation.With the advancement of the"Belt and Road"initiative and the development of water-rail intermodal transportation,the loading and unload⁃ing requirements of port terminals will be greatly improved.As a kind of port equipment,cranes are increasingly tak⁃ing on important loading and unloading roles.The safe and reliable operation of lifting equipment is an important guarantee for the efficiency of port operations.Therefore,the maintenance and repair of equipment become more and more important and frequent.How to ensure the safety of repair and maintenance personnel is something that each port manager must consider and implement,and it is also a subject that design and manufacturer must solve.This pa⁃per focused on the application of a new type of safety auxiliary device in the portal crane.
作者 齐晓明 QI Xiaoming(Hunan China Railway Wuxin Heavy Industry Co.,Ltd.,Liuyang Hunan 410323)
出处 《河南科技》 2020年第11期34-36,共3页 Henan Science and Technology
关键词 起重机 新型 安全辅助 装置 crane new type safety assistance device
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