
论功能性产业政策的目标和政策工具——基于日本新能源汽车产业的案例分析 被引量:14

The Objectives and Policy Tools of Functional Industrial Policy:A Case Study on the Development of New Energy Vehicle Industry in Japan
摘要 中国的产业政策是“选择性产业政策”,倾向于以政府选择代替市场竞争。基于对日本发展新能源汽车产业的案例研究表明,其产业政策已转型为“功能性产业政策”,政策目标在于创造条件提高产业竞争力,政府制定节能减排和产品性能的准入标准,但不代替企业选择技术路线。产业政策工具的设计基于市场机制,重视竞争,补贴消费环节和终端产品而非生产环节和厂商。补贴目录全国统一,保证外资公平参与竞争,破除地方保护主义,实现资源的有效配置。建议中国的新能源汽车产业政策回归到节能减排的根本目标,避免政府选择替代市场机制,政策补贴改为补助消费者而非厂商,统一全国新能源汽车目录,排除地方保护主义,构建政府、市场、第三方专业机构协同合作的新型产业政策运行架构。 China industrial policy is more inclined to the"selective industrial policy",showing that government choice may substitute market competition.Based on the case study of policies in Japan's New Energy Vehicles industry,the paper demonstrates that Japan implements"functional industry policy"in its New Energy Vehicles industry,in which the government creates the framework condition conducive to improve industrial competitiveness and the standards for energy saving and emission reduction and performance without compulsively choosing technical routes for enterprises.In specific,its industrial policy tools based on the design of the market mechanism focus on competition,shown in its subsidy for consumptive part and end device rather than production part and manufacturers,the unified national subsidy directory,and eliminated local protectionism,which ensure that a fair competition environment can be shaped for foreign products and resources can be allocated effectively.It is thus suggested that the improved policy in the China's New Energy vehicles industry should shift its focus back to fundamental strategic goal of energy saving and emission reduction,in which the government choice should not replace the market mechanism,its subsidy orientation should be changed to consumers rather than manufacturers,the national subsidy directory should be unified,the local protectionism should be eliminated,and a new type of implementation framework of the industrial policy collaborating the government,market,and third-party professional organizations should be built.
作者 田鑫 TIAN Xin(International College,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872,China)
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第3期17-31,共15页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
基金 中国人民大学科学研究基金(12XNF009)。
关键词 功能性产业政策 新能源汽车 政策目标 政策工具 技术路线 市场机制 functional industrial policy new energy vehicle policy objective policy tool technical route market mechanism
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