
1-磷酸鞘氨醇对糖尿病血管内皮功能障碍的调节作用及机制 被引量:4

Regulation and mechanism of sphingosine-1-phosphate on dysfunction of diabetic vascular endothelial cells
摘要 多种糖尿病并发症的共同基础是血管内皮功能障碍(VED)。高血糖对血管内皮的糖毒性损伤包括诱导内皮细胞凋亡、阻碍正常血管内皮收缩、舒张功能和增加血管通透性。现有研究表明,1-磷酸鞘氨醇(S1P)具有维持细胞正常生命周期、缓解血管内皮功能障碍、稳定血管通透性的效果。S1P可以通过复杂分子机制改善VED,进而有效预防和控制糖尿病血管并发症。明确上述调节作用及具体机制有助于研发治疗靶点,防治糖尿病血管并发症。 The common basis for a variety of diabetic complications is vascular endothelial dysfunction(VED).The cytotoxic effect of hyperglycemia on vascular endothelium is induced by inducing apoptosis of endothelial cells,impeding systolic and diastolic function of normal vascular endothelium,and increasing vascular permeability.Existing studies have shown that sphingosine-1-phosphate(S1P)has the effect of maintaining normal cell life cycle,improving vascular endothelial dysfunction and regulating vascular permeability.S1P can improve VED through complex mechanisms to effectively prevent and control diabetic vascular complications.Identifying specific effects and mechanisms will help to develop targets,and to prevent and treat diabetic vascular complications.
作者 贺琼 薄佳琪 张咪 白春梅 刘子昂 刘云峰 He Qiong;Bo Jiaqi;Zhang Mi;Bai Chunmei;Liu Ziang;Liu Yunfeng(Shanxi Medical University,Taiyuan 030001,China;Department of Endocrinology,The First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University,Taiyuan 030001,China;The First Medical College of Shanxi Medical University,Taiyuan 030001,China)
出处 《国际内分泌代谢杂志》 2020年第3期211-214,共4页 International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism
基金 国家自然科学基金(81770776) 山西省大学生创新创业基金(2018165) 山西省自然科学基金面上项目(201901D111353)。
关键词 1-磷酸鞘氨醇 血管内皮功能障碍 糖尿病 Sphingosine-1-phosphate Vascular endothelial dysfunction Diabetes mellitus
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