

Survey and Predictive Analysis:Instituting Professional Abilities Assessment Systems in the Recruitment and Selection of Civil Servants at the Level of Central Government
摘要 建设高素质专业化干部队伍是党中央提出的战略要求。顺应时代发展的需要,把政治绝对可靠、专业能力强的优秀人才选拔到中央和国家机关,是公务员招录考试的重要使命。本文以循证人力资源管理理念为指导,梳理了近年来中央和国家机关公务员招录工作中专业能力测试的开展情况,提出要坚持科学精准识人选人,构建包括目标导向、测试内容、测试方法、组织实施和效果评估与改进在内的公务员专业能力测试体系,不断提高考试测评的针对性和有效性。 Building a contingent of competent and professional officials is the strategic task of the CPC.Responding to the demand of times,central government should select loyal and competent talents through recruitment and assessments.According to the idea of evidence-based human resource management,writers summarize the survey of the recent years of experience of professional abilities assessment by central government when recruiting civil servants candidates.The paper suggests that instituting professional abilities assessment systems in the recruitment and selection of civil servants which consists the objectives,the assessment contents,assessing methods,implementation,assessment and improvement of assessment,to improve effectiveness of assessment.
作者 杜义国 王文新 周卫 Du Yiguo;Wang Wenxin;Zhou Wei
出处 《行政管理改革》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期67-74,共8页 Administration Reform
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目“完善中国县处级党政领导干部考核评价体系和奖惩机制研究”(16ADJ007)。
关键词 国家公务员 招录考试 专业能力测试 Civil Servant Recruitment and Selection Professional Ability Assessment
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