

On the Total Collection of Qing Peotry:——Focused on Yunjian Tangxi Shixuan etc.
摘要 清代诗歌总集研究相对较少,存在的各种问题很多,而读者一般不大注意。清初顺治、康熙之交松江(今上海)地区的《云间棠溪诗选》,其第一编者陶忄岑的中举年份、为官时间、生卒年等,又该集的成书时间、编者群体、作者人数,该集与“棠溪诗会”的关系,以及“棠溪诗会”的性质等,有关介绍往往语焉不详,多有错误。康熙皇帝的《御定千叟宴诗》,收在《四库全书》中,但卷首只有提要而没有序言;陆奎勲的《陆堂文集》中,则有一篇《恭拟御制千叟宴诗序》,显然是代替康熙皇帝为该集而拟,却不知道为何最终没有采用。乾隆年间吴江地区的《国朝松陵诗征》,总共二十卷,有人却误称三十卷;相反,无锡地区的《梁溪诗钞》,总共五十八卷,有人却误称四十八卷。乾隆、嘉庆之际法式善《陶庐杂录》集中著录上百种清诗总集,有关疏误相应地也特别集中。凡此种种,都有必要予以考辨,供有关读者参考。 The research on the total collections of Qing poems are relatively rare and generally overlooked by readers.A great amount of problems are left unsolved.Yunjian Tangxi Shixuan,a collection of poems from the reign of Shunzhi to Kangxi in Songjiang area(Shanghai today),was mainly edited by Tao Jin.It remains unknown when Tao passed the imperial exams,what his tenure of office was,the year of his birth and death,when the collection was finished,who the group of editors were,the number of authors,the relationship between the collection and“Tangxi Shihui”or the nature of“Tangxi Shihui”,etc.There is no preface but a synopsis at the beginning of Yuding Qiansouyan Shi of Emperor Kangxi.Lu Kuixun prepared a substitute preface titled Gongni Yuzhi Qiansouyan Shixu,which was apparently made for the Emperor.It still remains unsolved why it wasn't adopted in Yuding Qiansouyan Shi but only included in Lu's own Lutang Shiji.There are 20 volumes of Guochao Songling Shizheng during the reign of Qianlong in Wujiang area,but some people erroneously referred to it as 30 volumes.In contrast,there are 58 volumes of the Liangxi Shicao in Wuxi area,but some people erroneously referred to it as 48 volumes.This study is an effort to clarify the misunderstandings and misinterpretations.
作者 朱则杰 ZHU Ze-jie(College of Media and International Culture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310028, China)
出处 《江南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2020年第3期108-113,128,共7页 Journal of Jiangnan University:Humanities & Social Sciences Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金重大招标项目“清代诗人别集丛刊”(14ZDB076) 全国高等院校古籍整理研究工作委员会直接资助项目“《清诗总集序跋汇编》编纂”(1874)。
关键词 清诗 总集 《云间棠溪诗选》 《御定千叟宴诗》 《国朝松陵诗征》 《陶庐杂录》 poems of the Qing Dynasty total collection Yunjian Tangxi Shixuan Yuding Qiansouyan Shi Guochao Songling Shizheng Taolu Zalu
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