

On Zhuxi's Concept of Anthology of Poetry and Essays Compilation and Its Influence from the Perspective of Literary Education
摘要 朱熹在其人文教化实践中,不仅注重讲解儒家经典、探讨性理之学,也重视文学教育。他广泛评骘文学史诸诗人作家的作品,甚或严加择取、编纂成集,从而为后学提供阅读、学习的经典文本,这当中蕴含着与其学术理念相为表里的文学教育旨趣:一是希望学习者将涵养情志作为首要之务,以"诚意""正心"作为依归;二是希望学习者借此体认诗文典范的格调与法度,并经由模拟、效法而实现高远的境界。朱熹编选《昌黎文粹》《欧曾文粹》,以平正谨严、刚健峻拔为其审美趣尚;在关于通代诗选编纂的构想中,他也明确推崇古诗传统,倡扬自然闲雅、平淡深邃的诗风。这样一种价值取向,与他再三致意的文学教育层面的基本旨趣是相互贯通的。朱熹的诗文选本编纂理念为其后学所接受、承纳,对他们的选本编纂实践以及诗史叙述与批评都产生了深刻的影响。 When carrying out the humanistic education,Zhuxi not only paid attention to imparting Confucian classics and discussing Neo-Confucianism,but also attached importance to literary education.He widely criticized works of numerous poets and writers in different dynasties and selected some of them based on strict criteria to compile anthologies for younger generations for reading and writing,which contains two literary education orientations consistent with his academic ideas.First,it is hoped that the learners could take aspiration cultivation as a top priority to form the spirit of sincerity and integrity.Second,it was intended to guide them to have a deep understanding of the styles and rules of excellent poems and essays,and to make it to the height by imitating and modeling.Zhuxi took equality,precision,vigor and majesty as aesthetic tastes reflected in"Collection of Changli"and"Collection of Ou and Zeng"complied by him.He explicitly advocated poetic traditions and natural,elegant,severe and insightful poetic style contained in the description of his plan to compile the collocation of works in past dynasties.Such values are interlinked with his literary orientations he repeatedly emphasized.The concept was taken and inherited by his followers,having a profound influence on their compilation practice as well as poetic history narration and criticism.
作者 梁桃英 邱光华 LIANG Taoying;QIU Guanghua(Cultural Research Centre of Min School in Sanming City,Overseas School,Sanming University,Sanming,365004,China;School of Culture Communication,Sanming University,Sanming,365004,China)
出处 《三明学院学报》 2020年第3期41-46,共6页 Journal of Sanming University
基金 三明市社科规划项目(19056)。
关键词 朱熹 文学教育 选本 编纂理念 Zhuxi literary education anthology compilation concept








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