国内对于复合材料层间剪切性能的研究较多,但对于层间拉伸强度则研究甚少。本工作针对T800级复合材料厚层压板进行了层间拉伸强度试验,使用k-样本Anderson-Darling检验对试验数据进行统计分析,研究了铺层厚度、温度/湿度和分层缺陷对层间拉伸强度的影响,以期为复合材料在民用飞机上的应用提供数据支撑。试验表明:在5~12.9 mm厚度范围内,厚度不会对层间拉伸应力产生影响;与室温干态相比,高温湿态会降低层压板的层间拉伸应力;分层缺陷严重影响层间拉伸应力,且含分层缺陷的试件的层间拉伸强度受环境影响不明显。利用Anderson-Darling方法进行正态分布的拟合优度检验后,求得无分层缺陷层间拉伸强度B基准值和含可接受分层缺陷层间拉伸强度B基准值。基于以上B基准值求得层间拉伸强度含可接受分层缺陷的B基准折减系数为0.39。
There were many researches on interlaminar shear properties of composites in China,but few on interlaminar tensile strength.The interlaminar tensile strength of T800 thick composite laminates was tested.The k-sample Anderson-Darling test was used to do statistical analysis of the test results,and the influence of thickness,temperature/humidity and acceptable delamination defects on the interlaminar tensile strength were studied to provide data for the application of composite materials on civil aircraft.The test results show that:in the range of 5—12.9 mm thickness,changing the thickness will not affect the interlaminar tensile stress;compared with the room temperature dry state,the elevated temperature wet state reduces the interlaminar tensile stress of the laminate;delamination defects seriously affect the interlaminar tensile strength,and the interlaminar tensile strength of specimens with delamination defects is not significantly affected by the environment.After the goodness-of-fit test of normal distribution by Anderson-Darling method,the B-basis value of the interlaminar tensile strength without delamination defects and the B-basis value of the interlaminar tensile strength with delamination defects were obtained.Based on B-basis value above,the interlaminar tensile strength B-basis reduction factor of acceptable delamination defects was 0.39.
HAO Xinchao(COMAC Shanghai Aircraft Design and Research Institute,Shanghai 201210,China)
Materials Reports