
肺部超声在儿科的应用进展 被引量:2

Progress in the Application of Lung Ultrasound in Pediatrics
摘要 目前认为成人肺部超声可以借助产生的伪影对肺部病理情况进行诊断,肺部超声可以为诊断肺部疾病提供很大的帮助,甚至作为替代胸片和胸部CT的首选诊断工具.但儿童肺部超声目前缺乏大样本研究阐述,本文就肺部超声在儿科的应用价值做一综述,为超声检查在该领域的应用和发展提供理论依据. At present,the lung ultrasound of adults can diagnose lung pathology with the help of artifacts,and lung ultrasound can provide great help for the diagnosis of lung diseases.It is even used as an alternative diagnostic tool for chest radiography and chest CT.At present,there is a lack of large sample research on pulmonary ultrasound in children.This paper reviews the application value of pulmonary ultrasound in pediatrics,so as to provide a theoretical basis for the application and development of ultrasound in this field.
作者 何东强 黄宇戈 HE Dongqiang;HUANG Yuge(Children’s Medical Center,the Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Medical University,Zhanjiang 524000,China)
出处 《中国医学创新》 CAS 2020年第16期169-172,共4页 Medical Innovation of China
关键词 超声 儿童 新生儿 肺部 Ultrasound Child Neonatal Lung
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