

Design and Practice of the Online Teaching System of International Communication of Chinese Traditional Culture Under the Concept of ELF
摘要 中国传统文化对外传播教学是助力"一带一路"战略实施的重要方式。利用现代教育技术进行在线教学,可以有效克服中国传统文化对外传播教学中"师资跨境困难"、"教学保障成本高"等问题。文章从传播媒介和传播方式两个方面,对中国传统文化对外传播教学面临的问题进行了分析,提出了"英语作为通用语"(English as Lingua Franca,ELF)理念下中国传统文化对外传播在线教学系统,详细描述了系统的功能模块,重点阐述了系统教学应用的组织过程,并通过对师资投入、学习效果、学生学习自主性三个方面的数据分析,展现了系统的优势,可为以英语为媒介的中国传统文化对外传播在线教学提供实践范例。 The international communication teaching of Chinese traditional culture is an important way to help improve the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative.Using modern technology for online teaching could effectively overcome problems of“difficult teacher cross-border”and“high const of teaching security”in the international communication teaching of Chinese traditional culture.The paper analyzed the problems faced n the international communication teaching of Chinese traditional culture,and proposed the online teaching system of the international communication teaching of Chinese traditional culture under the concept of ELF(English as Lingua Franca).Meanwhile,the function modules of the system were described in detail,the organization process of the system’s teaching application was expounded with emphasis.In addition,the advantages of the system was displayed from three aspects of teacher input,learning effect and student learning autonomy,which provided a good example for the online teaching of the international communication teaching of Chinese traditional culture using English as the medium.
作者 刘琦红 张鹏云 LIU QI-hong;ZHANG Peng-yun(Department of Foreign Language Teaching,Hebei University of Economics and Business,Shijiazhuang,Hebei,China 050061;School of Information Technology,Hebei University of Economics and Business,Shijiazhuang,Hebei,China 050061)
出处 《现代教育技术》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期72-77,共6页 Modern Educational Technology
基金 河北经贸大学教学研究项目“基于ELF理念的中国传统文化对外传播在线教学系统研究”(项目编号:2020JYQR01)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 ELF 中国传统文化 对外传播 在线教学系统 ELF Chinese traditional culture international communication online teaching system
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