

Application of Microscopic Assisted Regional Colectomy on Colon Cancer of Nude Mice Model
摘要 目的探讨显微镜辅助下结肠区段切除术在裸鼠结肠癌模型中操作技术的可行性和肿瘤学行为的安全性。方法首先建立稳定的裸鼠原发性结肠癌模型4周,其后将结肠癌模型裸鼠随机分成10只显微镜辅助下结肠区段切除术组(结肠癌切除手术模型组-研究组)和10只对照组(开关手术模型组)。术后观察裸鼠4周,比较两组制模情况和生存情况。结果结肠癌模型成瘤率100%(20/20)。结肠癌切除手术模型组和开腹手术模型组在术中无1例死亡。结肠癌切除手术模型组血性腹水、肠梗阻、淋巴结转移及腹膜种植转移明显少于开关手术模型组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。两组生存曲线分析,结肠癌切除手术模型组生存率明显优于开关手术模型组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论结肠癌切除手术模型为操作技术要求较高的动物实验模型。结肠癌切除手术模型在技术层面上安全、可行,但在相对局部晚期结肠癌模型中的远期肿瘤学行为有待于进一步探索。 Objective To investigated the technical feasibility and oncological safe of microscopic assisted regional colectomy for colon cancer in nude mice model.Methods Firstly,establish a stable primary colon cancer of nude mice model,and followed up 4 weeks.After wards,the colon cancer model of nude mice were randomized into two groups,10 cases of microscopic assisted regional colectomy group(colon cancer surgery model group-study group)and 10 cases of control group(switch operation model group).The surgical outcomes and survivals of these two groups were compared.Results The tumor formation rate was 100%of primary colon cancer of nude mice model.The colon cancer surgery model group and switch operation model group were no one died operating time(0/10,0.0%).The bloody ascites,intestinal obstruction,lymph node metastasis,and peritoneal metastasis were significantly less than that in the switch operation model group(P<0.05).The surbival curves showed that survival rate of colon cancer surgery model group was significantly superior to switch operation model group(P<0.05).Conclusion The colon cancer surgery model is technically safe and feasible compared with switch operation model.A preclinical research is warranted to evaluate long-term oncological outcomes in local metastatic colon carcer model.
作者 杜继明 王贵鑫 赵雪峰 宫爱民 DU Ji-ming;WANG Gui-xin;ZHAO Xue-feng;GONG Ai-min(Department of Coloproctological Surgery,Dalian University Affiliated Xinhua Hospital,Dalian 116021,China)
出处 《中国医药指南》 2020年第17期31-32,共2页 Guide of China Medicine
关键词 结肠癌模型 结肠癌切除手术模型 显微镜辅助手术 可行性 安全性 Colon cancer model Colon cancer surgery model Microscopic assisted surgery Feasibility Safe
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