The Shed是一座占地18,500平方米的艺术中心,致力于为每位观众提供各个领域的委托、生产与展示原创艺术品的服务。The Shed位于高线公园(High Line)与新哈德逊城市广场(Hudson Yards)交接处的城市用地,由固定结构和一些无柱画廊组成,这些画廊被包裹在一个可伸缩的外壳中,该外壳可滑动到相邻的广场上,从而使建筑的使用面积翻倍。其钢架结构和四氟乙烯(ETFE)外壳仅用一台汽车的功率就能在五分钟内调动,重新诠释了工业规模的龙门起重机技术。
The Shed is an 18,500 m²arts center dedicated to commissioning,producing,and presenting original works of art,across all disciplines,for all audiences.Located on city-owned land where the High Line meets the new Hudson Yards district,The Shed comprises a fixed structure with a stack of column-free galleries encased within a telescoping outer shell that slides onto an adjoining plaza,allowing the building to double its footprint on demand.Reinterpreting industrial scale gantry crane technology,the steel and ETFE shell can deploy in five minutes using the horsepower of a single automobile.
World Architecture Review