

Cultural exchange and mutual learning between China and Japan:The Monument of Pumen Temple in Suzhou and monk poems from Japan in the Song Dynasty
摘要 日本入宋僧寂照与成寻均被北宋朝廷授"大师号"并在宋"卓锡留此",他们滞留北宋未能按期返日的行为引起日本国内一些质疑。但根据二人所作僧诗、出土文献普门禅寺碑与宋代史书记载的多元证据,可以肯定他们对中日佛教交流有独特贡献,他们留居宋朝寺院修行是出于历史语境的要求:至宋代而大成的中国化的佛教禅宗在当时日本国内以天台与密宗为主流的佛教中传播仍有待展开,直到百余年后南宋时日僧荣西引禅入日仍然受到天台宗等排挤。出土文献与史书证实了寂照留宋深研佛教思想,体悟禅宗"人境俱不夺"的修持方式。成寻也派遣弟子输送禅宗经典回日。他们的留居研究与经典输送有利于禅宗在日本发展,也为日本佛教革新提供了积累。 Both Zyakusyo and Jyolin,the Japanese monks in Song Dynasty,were awarded the"masters"by the imperial court of Song Dynasty.They failed to return to Japan on schedule and caused some doubts in Japan.However,we can confirm their unique contributions to the Buddhist exchange between China and Japan according to their poems,unearthed documents The Monument of Pumen Temple and historical records of Song Dynasty.They stayed in the temples of Song Dynasty for the purpose of historical context:the Chinese Zen Buddhism,which was greatly developed in Song Dynasty,still needed to be spread in the mainstream Buddhism of Tiantai and Tantrism in Japan at that time,it was still excluded by Tiantai and Tantrism until more than 100 years later,when Rongxi,a Japanese monk,introduced Zen Buddhism into Japan.The unearthed documents and historical books confirm that Zyakusyo studied Buddhism deeply in the Song Dynasty and realized the way of practice that"both human and environment are not captured".Jyolin also asked his disciples to send Zen classics back to Japan.Their study and transmission of classics are conducive to the development of Zen in Japan and also provide accumulation for the innovation of Buddhism in Japan.
作者 方汉文 Fang Hanwen
机构地区 苏州大学文学院
出处 《西安外国语大学学报》 CSSCI 2020年第2期1-5,共5页 Journal of Xi’an International Studies University
基金 江苏省社会科学基金重点项目“习近平总书记关于文明与文化理论体系研究”(项目编号:18ZWA001)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 日本僧诗 入宋僧 寂照 成寻 普门禅寺碑 poems of Japanese monks monks from Japan in Song Dynasty Zyakusyo Jyolin The Monument of Pumen Temple
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