
居民旅游影响感知对支持旅游开发影响机制研究--社区满意和社区认同的中介作用 被引量:45

Influence Mechanism of Residents’Perception of Tourism Impacts on Supporting Tourism Development:Intermediary Role of Community Satisfaction and Community Identity
摘要 如何获得旅游地居民支持旅游开发是旅游学界和业界关注的重要主题,但探究积极和消极旅游影响感知对支持旅游开发影响机制的成果还很缺乏。文章基于"刺激-机体-反应"理论和"认知-情感-意向"关系理论,以反映社区与居民之间关系质量的社区满意和社区认同为中介变量,构建积极和消极旅游影响感知对支持旅游开发的中介作用模型,并利用在平遥古城收集的290份有效问卷,采用结构方程模型和Bootstrap法进行实证检验。结果表明:积极和消极旅游影响感知不是支持旅游开发最近端的前因变量;社区满意和社区认同是积极和消极旅游影响感知与支持旅游开发之间的传导机制;社区满意和社区认同在积极和消极旅游影响感知与支持旅游开发之间具有链式中介作用。文章引入社区与居民之间的关系质量为中介探究旅游影响感知与支持旅游开发的关系,对揭示居民支持旅游开发的形成机制、获取居民对旅游开发的更大支持具有重要的理论和现实意义。 Obtaining residents’support for tourism development is an important topic in academia and the tourism industry;however,few studies have examined how perception of the positive and negative tourism impacts affects support for tourism development.Following a review of the literature in China and overseas,we identified three aspects that deserve consideration.First,it may be inappropriate to judge whether or not local residents’support for tourism development is based on the direct effect of perception of the positive and negative tourism impacts.Second,existing formation mechanism models of residents’support for tourism development have failed to consider the quality of the relationship between a community and its residents.Third,the variables that reflect the quality of that relationship may represent a transmission mechanism between residents’perception of tourism impacts and support for tourism development.Using stimulus-organism-response and cognition-emotion-intention theories,this paper takes community satisfaction and community identity as intermediary variables to identify the quality of the relationship between a community and its residents;it constructs a model for the intermediary role of perception of the positive and negative tourism impacts for supporting tourism development.This study examined 290 valid questionnaire responses obtained in the ancient town of Pingyao,Shanxi province and analyzed the results using a structural equation model and bootstrap method.The following results were obtained.First,perception of the positive and negative tourism impacts was not the most direct antecedents for supporting tourism development.Judging whether residents’support tourism development by direct effects alone would underestimate the role of the perception of the positive and negative tourism impacts.Second,community satisfaction and community identity play an intermediary role between perception of the positive and negative tourism impacts and support for tourism development.The quality of the relationship between a community and its residents is critical to those residents’support for tourism development.Third,in the relationship between perception of the positive tourism impacts and support for tourism development,community satisfaction and community identity have independent,though linked,intermediary roles.In the relationship between perception of the negative tourism impacts and support for tourism development,community satisfaction plays an independent,though linked,intermediary role.However,in this regard,community identity does not have an independent intermediary role:the intermediary role of community satisfaction is necessary.This study examines the quality of the relationship between a community and its residents to determine the relationship between perception of tourism impacts and support for tourism development.The implications of this study have important theoretical and practical significance regarding the formation mechanism for residents’support for tourism development and increasing such support.This paper has four limitations.First,it did not obtain data over a long period and from multiple locations.Second,it did not consider the intermediary role of variables in other relationships,such as community trust and community commitment.Third,among the research participants,it did not distinguish between local and non-local subjects.Fourth,it did not consider the impact of subdivisions of perception of tourism impacts.
作者 郭安禧 王松茂 李海军 郭英之 GUO Anxi;WANG Songmao;LI Haijun;GUO Yingzhi(School of Hospitality Management,Shanghai Business School,Shanghai 201400,China;School of Economics and Management,Shandong Agriculture University,Tai'an 271018,China;Department of Tourism,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433,China;School of History-culture and Tourism,Hexi University,Zhangye 734000,China)
出处 《旅游学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期96-108,共13页 Tourism Tribune
基金 国家自然科学基金项目“基于旅游目的地的旅游客源忠诚度区域差异的实证研究”(71373054) “南疆四地州旅游扶贫效率时空分异及驱动机制研究”(41661110)共同资助。
关键词 旅游影响感知 支持旅游开发 社区满意 社区认同 perception of tourism impacts support for tourism development community satisfaction community identity
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