

Nanhua Image Zen Poetry--On the Image of Zhuangzi in Jiao Ran’s Poems
摘要 皎然在诗歌创作中运用了逍遥、无名、虚舟、郢人、骊珠等很多来自《庄子》的意象。逍遥是《庄子·逍遥游》所极力塑造的一种意象,集中体现了庄子和道家对自由境界的追求和向往。皎然将这一意象运用于对佛教僧人生活状况的描述中,展现了出家僧人超然世外的潇洒和自在。无名是老庄道家对天然之道的描摹,也包含对修道的强调和悟道的体会。皎然在诗作中运用这一意象,既展现了得道高人的境界,又指示出修道入门的关键所在。虚舟出自《庄子·山木》,虚舟泛于湖海之上,既无人操作,又无所系属,因此又称为随波逐流的不系舟。皎然运用这一意象,表达了一位禅僧无所用心、无所追求、随缘任运的人生态度。郢客出自《庄子·徐无鬼》,指那些能够虚心接受别人批评和修正的高明作家,皎然将这一意象运用在朋友创作的评说之中,同时也使自己的相关诗作具有了运斤成风的意义。骊珠出自《庄子·列御寇》,后世之用此典者,则多反庄子之意,必就其奇其贵其难得而为言,皎然也是如此。皎然虽然对道家和庄子的思想观点并不完全认同,但他在诗作中大量运用了来自《庄子》的意象,从而使他的诗作在某种程度上展现出一定的庄子道家色彩来。 Jiao ran used many images from Zhuangzi,such as Xiaoyao,nameless,virtual boat,Yingren,Lizhu,etc.Xiaoyao is a kind of image that Zhuangzi and Taoism strive to create,which embodies the pursuit and yearning for freedom.Jiao ran applies this image to the description of Buddhist monks’living conditions,showing the monks’unrestrained and free life.Nameless is the depiction of the natural way by the Taoist of Laozhuang.It also includes the emphasis on the cultivation of the way and the understanding of the way.Jiao Ran’s use of this image in his poems not only shows the realm of being a virtuous man,but also indicates the key to the entry of the cultivation of Taoism.The virtual boat comes from Zhuangzi Mountain and Wood.The virtual boat spreads over the lake and sea,and it is neither operated nor affiliated.Therefore,it is also called the non tied boat that follows the current.Jiao ran uses this image to express a Zen monk’s attitude towards life with no intention,no pursuit and fate.Jiake comes from Zhuangzi Xu Wugui.He refers to those wise writers who can accept criticism and correction from others with an open mind.He uses this image in the comments of his friends’creation,and at the same time he makes his relevant poems possess the significance of making good fortune.Li Zhu comes from Zhuangzi Lieyukou.Later generations use this code in a way that is contrary to Zhuangzi’s meaning.It must be said that it’s rare and precious,so is Jiao ran.Although Jiao ran didn’t fully agree with Taoism and Zhuangzi’s ideas,he used a lot of images from Zhuangzi in his poems,which made his poems show certain Taoist color to some extent.
作者 韩焕忠 HAN Huanzhong(Institute of Religion,Soochow University,Suzhou 215123,China)
出处 《湖州师范学院学报》 2020年第5期22-29,共8页 Journal of Huzhou University
基金 国家社科基金重大课题“一带一路佛教交流史”(19ZDA239)阶段性成果。
关键词 皎然 庄子 意象 Jiao ran poetry Zhuangzi image
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