Muscle is important to fulfill the life activities of human body.It is formed by the myofibrils wrapped in each other to form a muscle bundle that is supported and maintained in a certain shape by the myofilm fixation,in which troponin and myosin control sliding of the thick myofilaments and thin myofilaments on each other.The sarcobar is shortened to control the contraction of the muscle and maintain the movement of the human body.Muscle injury generally occurs under the external force of the contusion or indirect external force of the action of the pull,but other such as biological,chemical factors can also lead to muscle injury.Muscle damage can be repaired to some extent.At present,the research related to muscle injury and repair has expanded to the ultrastructure,molecular mechanism and gene level of tissue,mainly focusing on how to promote muscle regeneration at the cellular and gene level,and finding safe and effective biological substitutes to repair injured muscle tissue.This review introduces the understanding of muscle structure and function of Chinese and foreign scholars,and focuses on the molecular mechanism of the inflammatory response triggered by muscle injury,the activation of satellite cells to promote the regeneration of muscle fibers,as well as the involvement of many genes and proteins in this series of processes,so as to provide references for future studies.
DENG Su-ai;GUO Yu-lu;ZHOU Wen-jing;CHEN Jun-hua;HU Long-xia;WANG Xuan;LIU Wen-bin(School of Health Science and Nursing,Wuhan Polytechnic University,Wuhan 430023,China)
Journal of Wuhan Polytechnic University