
海上平台作业工人人口学及行为特征与职业紧张关系的研究 被引量:1

Study on the relationship between demographics and behavioral characteristics and occupational stress of workers on offshore platforms
摘要 目的探讨海上平台作业工人人口学及行为特征与职业紧张的关系,以减轻职业紧张给工人带来的不利影响。方法应用职业紧张量表(OSI-R),分类选取768名男性海上平台工人(采油平台189名、钻井平台330名、作业平台249名)为研究对象进行调查。结果职业任务、个体紧张反应方面:26~31岁和31~40岁年龄组平台作业工人得分显著高于其他年龄组,6~11年平台工龄组得分显著高于其他工龄组;现工种工龄≤6年龄组显著低于其他现工种工龄组;经常饮酒组得分显著高于不饮酒组;以上差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。个体应对资源方面:31~41岁及26~31岁年龄组得分显著低于其他年龄组;现工种工龄随着工龄增长呈现降低趋势,已婚者显著低于未婚者;高学历组得分显著高于低学历组;以上差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论海上平台作业工人现工龄较长(>6年)、26~41岁、饮酒习惯、学历较低、已婚等人口学及行为特征可考虑为致其职业紧张的危险因素,应采取针对性措施进行干预。 Objective To explore the relationship between demographic and behavioral characteristics of occupational workers on offshore platforms and occupational stress,in order to alleviate the adverse effects of occupational stress on workers.Methods The Occupational Stress Scale(OSI-R)was selected to select 768 male offshore platform workers(189 oil production platforms,330 drilling platforms,and 249 working platforms).Results In terms of occupational tasks and individual stress responses,the scores of platform workers in the 26-30 and 31-40 age group were significantly higher than those in other age groups,and the scores of the workers who had worked for 6-10 years were significantly higher than those of other working groups,and the score of the regular drinking group was significantly higher than that of the non drinking group(P<0.05).In terms of individual coping resources,the scores of workers aged 31-40 and 26-30 were significantly lower than those of other age groups;those of married persons were significantly lower than those of unmarried persons;those of high education group were significantly higher than those of low education group(all P<0.05).In terms of occupational task questionnaire,married people scored significantly higher than those who were not married(P<0.05).There were significant differences in occupational stress among all groups in land drilling workers(P>0.05).Conclusion The occupational stress and individual stress response of the employees with the platform working age of 6 to 10 years are the most serious.The two age groups of 26-30 years old and 31-40 years old should be paid attention to mental health and occupational stress of the workers.Targeted measures can be taken to intevence.
作者 王鑫 郭明孝 张放 王驰 WANG Xin;GUO Ming-xiao;ZHANG Fang;WANG Chi(Department of Public Place Monitoring and Evaluation,Dezhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Dezhou Shandong 253016,China;Shandong Institute of Occupational Health and Prevention of Occupational Diseases,Shandong First Medical University(Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences),Shandong First Medical University{Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences)
出处 《中国卫生工程学》 CAS 2020年第3期329-332,共4页 Chinese Journal of Public Health Engineering
关键词 海上平台作业工人 行为特征 职业紧张 关系研究 Offshore platform workers Behavioral characteristics Occupational stress Relationship research
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