
牙体牙髓病诊疗中牙科显微镜操作规范的专家共识 被引量:27

Consensus recommendations from Chinese experts on the standard operation procedure of dental operative microscope in endodontics and operative dentistry
摘要 牙科显微镜已广泛应用于牙体牙髓病的诊疗,显著提高了诊疗水平和质量。2016年中华口腔医学会牙体牙髓病学专业委员会推出显微根管治疗技术指南,对牙科显微镜在根管治疗中的规范应用起到很好的指导作用。近年来,除根管治疗外,牙科显微镜已越来越多地应用于根管外科和牙体修复治疗,因此有必要对牙科显微镜的规范应用进行补充。2019年10月,由中华口腔医学会牙体牙髓病学专业委员会副主任委员梁景平教授牵头,组织国内牙体牙髓病学专家召开牙科显微镜规范化操作专家研讨会,与会专家就牙科显微镜在牙体牙髓病诊疗中应用及操作规范展开讨论并最终形成本共识。 Dental operative microscope has been wildly used in endodontics and operative dentistry for many years.Many progresses have been made by using operative microscope in improving the outcomes of root canal therapy,endodontic surgery and operative dentistry.However,in clinical practice,improper use of the dental operative microscope is not uncommon,the reason related to which is the operator′s lack of understanding and mastering not only the properties but also the standard operative procedure of the dental operative microscope.To this end,in October 2019,the vice chairman of the Society of Cariology and Endodontology,Chinese Stomatological Association,professor Liang Jingping,organized a group of professional experts in this field,convened a meeting about the standard operative procedure of dental operative microscope.Experts at the meeting had a very heated discussion and the consensuses were reached.
作者 梁景平
出处 《中华口腔医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期333-336,共4页 Chinese Journal of Stomatology
关键词 显微操作 牙科显微镜 专家共识 显微根管治疗 显微根管外科 牙体修复 Micromanipulation Dental operative microscope Expert consensus Microendodontics Endodontic microsurgery Operative dentistry
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