
新型荞麦排种器排种性能 被引量:3

Seedling Performance of New Buckwheat Seed Metering Device
摘要 研制一种荞麦播种专用排种器,通过单因素台架试验,探究排种轴转速、阻种套单排孔数量及种床带速度对平均排量、各行排量一致性变异系数、总排量一致性变异系数、种子破碎率和播量均匀性变异系数的影响规律。当排种轴的转速为150~190 r/min时,各行排量一致性变异系数、总排量一致性变异系数、破碎率分别为0.22%~2.67%、0.69%~1.31%、0.27%~0.35%;阻种套单排孔数量为3、6和12时,总排量一致性变异系数分别为1.45%、1.00%、0.95%;种床带速度为4~9 km/h时,播量均匀性变异系数为28.87%~42.26%。当排种轴转速为150~190 r/min时,各行排量一致性变异系数、总排量一致性变异系数、种子破碎率符合性能指标要求;当阻种套单排孔数量为3、6和12时,总排量一致性变异系数符合性能指标要求;当种床带速度为4~9 km/h时,播量均匀性变异系数符合性能指标要求。排种轴转速、阻种套单排孔数量、种床带速度对排量有极显著的影响。 A special seed metering device for buckwheat seeding was developed,and single-factor bench test was used to explore influence of rotating speed of seeding shaft,number of single row holes of seeding sleeve and speed of seed bed on average displacement,variation coefficient of consistent displacement of each row,variation coefficient of total displacement consistency,variation coefficient of seed fragmentation rate and sowing uniformity.When rotational speed of seeding shaft was 150-190 r/min,dispersion coefficient of variation,total displacement uniform coefficient of variation,breakage rate of seeds were 0.22%-2.67%,0.69%-1.31% and 0.27%-0.35%;when number of single-row holes was 3,6 and 12,total displacement uniform coefficient of variation was 1.45%,1.00%,0.95%,and when seedbed was 4-9 km/h,total displacement uniform coefficient of variation was 28.87%-42.26%.When rotation speed of seeding shaft was 150-190 r/min,dispersion coefficient of variation,total displacement uniform coefficient of variation,breakage rate of seeds were consistent performance index requirements;when number of rows of single-row holes was 3,6 and 12,total displacement uniform coefficient of variation conformed to performance index;when speed of seedbed belt was 4-9 km/h,sowing uniformity coefficient of variation of broadcast quantity met requirements of performance index.Speed of seeding shaft,number of single-row holes,and speed of seed bed had a significant influence on displacement.
作者 茹孟菲 张静 刘煜 孙扬 郑德聪 RU Mengfei;ZHANG Jing;LIU Yu;SUN Yang;ZHENG Decong(College of Engineering,Shanxi Agricultural University,Taigu Shanxi 030801,China)
出处 《农业工程》 2020年第3期1-6,共6页 AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING
基金 国家重点研发计划(项目编号:2016YFD0701804) 山西省重点研发计划(农业)(项目编号:201703D221030-2)。
关键词 荞麦 排种器 排种性能 buckwheat seed metering device seeding performance
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