针对空气源热泵及电锅炉水蓄热、固体蓄热、相变蓄热等4种电采暖技术,分析不同热负荷指标、供热价格、用电价格、供热配套费、配电增容费用等多种组合场景下,电采暖项目的投资可行性。分析表明:(1)相同条件下,空气源热泵供暖项目的投资可行性最好,其次为电锅炉水蓄热、固体蓄热、相变蓄热项目;(2)配电工程投资和基本电费将大幅降低电采暖项目的投资可行性,建议充分利用业主原有配电容量,如夏季制冷配电容量、夜间谷段配电容量等;(3)相同条件下,以天津地区为例,对电锅炉水蓄热供暖系统,需将谷电价格降至0.3元/k Wh,才能达到与空气源热泵供暖系统相同的经济性水平。
For four kinds of electric heating technologies, such as air source heat pump and electric boiler using water heat storage, solid heat storage, phase change heat storage, etc., analyze investment feasibility of electric heating projects under various combinations of scenarios related to different heat load indicators, heating price, electricity price, heating support fee, and power distribution capacity fee. Analysis shows:(1) under the same conditions, the air source heat pump heating project has the best investment feasibility, followed by the electric boiler using water heat storage, solid heat storage, phase change heat storage project;(2)power distribution engineering investment and basic electricity tariffs will greatly reduce the investment feasibility of electric heating projects, it is recommended to make full use of the owner’s original distribution capacity, such as summer refrigeration distribution capacity and night valley distribution capacity;(3) under the same conditions, for electric boiler using water heat storage system,valley electricity price needs to be reduced to 0.3 yuan/k Wh in order to reach the same economic indicator as air source heat pump system.
Energy Conservation
electric heating projects
feasibility analysis