

Judaic‑Christian Tradition as a Source of Sustainable Development Paradigm
摘要 过去二百年的经济发展速度史无前例,它的主要推动力是知识和技术的进步,但也与人们接受和采纳功利主义价值观有关,这为利益至上的生产者和效用至上的消费者确立了社会目标。从短期来看,这种态度能够激励生产快速发展,从而促进社会实现文明的飞跃,但这种发展却以全球社会和生态的失衡为代价。恢复社会和生态的平衡需要一种新的经济范式,它需要同时考虑社会需要和自然限制两方面因素。可持续发展经济学是这样一个概念,其中的经济目标和时间范围已被重新调整,它不仅包括经济发展问题,还涉及生态和社会文化方面,更为重要的是从长远视角来考虑发展本身。它是一个较晚的概念,在20世纪后半叶才开始被视为传统经济的替代性选择。可持续发展概念的源起通常可以追溯到德国的森林资源管理文化,然而,发展应该兼顾生态、社会关系和经济领域的观念似乎能够在早期的犹太-基督教文明中找到其来源。圣经《旧约》和《新约》以及犹太教和基督教的相关补充性著作创造了一种内在一致的社会发展景象,其中生态、社会需要和经济活动领域具有相等的意义和地位。尽管基于《创世记》中"让他们统治整个地球"这一观点,20世纪60年代学界普遍认为,犹太-基督教文明对当今世界的生态灾难难辞其咎。但笔者认为,犹太-基督教传统也有其生态学意涵,并概述了犹太-基督教著述中与生态、社会、经济等领域相关文献,并认为它可以为当今可持续发展范式提供思想基础。 The economic development of the last two hundred years is unprecedented in human history.It was powered by knowledge and technological progress and was also associated with the adoption and acceptance of utilitarian values,which led to the social aims in terms of profit for producers and utility for consumers.This attitude,in the short term,triggered an unusually fast increase in production,which allowed the society to make a civilization leap,albeit at the price of an imbalance in global social and ecological conditions.An attempt to restore ecological and social balance involves a change of economic paradigm to one that takes into account social needs and the limitations of nature.The economics of sustainable development is a concept,where economic objectives and the time horizon have been reformulated to include not just economic development,but also ecological and socio⁃cultural aspects,and development itself is considered from a long⁃term perspective.It is a relatively modern concept,an alternative to conventional economic attitudes considered only from the second half of the 20th century.The roots of the concept of sustainable development are usually traced back to a German culture of a forest resource management.However,the idea of development taking into account the spheres of ecology,social relations and economics seems to have its beginnings already in sources from earlier Judaic⁃Christian civilization.The texts of the Old Testament and New Testament and supplementary writings of Judaism and Christianity create a coherent image of social development,where the areas of ecology,social needs and economic activity take equally meaningful positions.Contrary to the opinion,popular in the 1960s based on the quote from Genesis(let them have dominion over all the earth),that Judaic⁃Christian civilization is responsible for ecological catastrophe,both Judaism and Christianity sources contain a strong ecological message.Regarding social development,the problems of equitable social relations are a core issue in the Old Testament and New Testament.The third area of in⁃depth analysis studies economic processes at micro⁃and macro⁃levels that are limited just by the rules of social fairness and the limitations of nature.The paper presents a selection of sources contained in Judaic⁃Christian writings relating to issues of development in the areas of ecology,society and economy,which lay the foundations for the modern paradigm of sustainable development.
作者 马乌戈热塔·平克 任培艺(译) Małgorzata Pink;Ren Peiyi(University of Agriculture in Krakow;Peking University)
出处 《南京林业大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2020年第3期1-14,共14页 Journal of Nanjing Forestry University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 可持续发展 犹太-基督教文明 生态学 《旧约》 《新约》 sustainable development Judaic⁃Christian civilization ecology Old Testament New Testament
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