

A Probe into Chen Duxiu’s Cultural Enlightenment Thought in the Rarly Stage of the May Fourth New Culture Movement (1915-1917)
摘要 近代中国内外交困,家国凋敝。无数仁人志士围绕着"救亡图存"这一主题前仆后继,开启了向西方学习的艰难历程。在新旧文化、东西方文化以及器物改革和政治改制失败的影响下,陈独秀意识到想要救国,就先要救民的极端紧迫性。五四新文化运动举起了"民主"和"科学"两面大旗,陈独秀则以《新青年》为阵地、以白话文为工具,对儒家的纲常礼教发起猛烈抨击。陈独秀将理论与实践相结合,主张用新思想代替旧思想,以思想文化的启蒙来支撑和推动政治稳定的发展。陈独秀的这种文化启蒙思想不仅将革命引向了一个新阶段,而且对当今建设社会主义文化强国也具有非常重要的现实意义和参考价值。 Modern China was beset with internal and external difficulties, and the country withered. With the theme of "saving the nation from extinction and striving for its survival", numerous people with lofty ideals have kept on learning from the west. Under the influence of old and new culture, eastern and western culture, as well as the failure of instrument reform and political restructuring, Chen Duxiu realized the extreme urgency of saving the people before inspiring the country. The May Fourth New Culture Movement raised the two banners of "democracy" and "science", while Chen Duxiu took "new youth" as the position and his own words as the tool to launch a fierce attack on the Confucian principles and ethics. Chen Duxiu combined theory with practice, advocated replacing old ideas with new ones, and supported and promoted the development of political stability with the enlightenment of ideology and culture. Chen Duxiu’s thought of cultural enlightenment not only led the revolution to a new stage, but also had very important practical significance and reference value for the construction of a socialist cultural power.
作者 辛杰 XIN Jie(Zhongnan University of Economics and Law,Wuhan 430073,China)
出处 《商丘职业技术学院学报》 2020年第2期7-11,共5页 JOURNAL OF SHANGQIU POLYTECHNIC
基金 2019年度国家社科基金“乡村振兴战略下农村优秀传统文化传承发展理路研究”(19AKS020)。
关键词 五四新文化运动 陈独秀 文化启蒙思想 May Fourth New Cultural Movement Chen Duxiu cultural enlightenment thought
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