

Study on the Application of the Determination of Nitric Oxide in Nasal Exhalation in Allergic Rhinitis
摘要 目的分析采用鼻呼出气一氧化氮(NO)浓度测定在过敏性鼻炎患者疾病诊断中的应用价值。方法选择北京航天中心医院2018年7月至2019年9月收治的过敏性鼻炎患者50例作为观察组,选择同一时段的健康体检成年人50例作为对照组。对比2组患者采用呼出气一氧化氮浓度测量的数据差异,以及观察组患者采用布地奈德药物治疗14 d后的一氧化氮浓度和临床表现发生率与治疗前的比较。结果2组患者临床诊断差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),其中对照组患者一氧化氮浓度显著低于观察组,且观察组患者用药14 d后的一氧化氮浓度显著低于治疗前,对比治疗前后发生率可知,用药后出现临床症状的患者越来越少,较治疗前差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论临床上采用鼻呼出气NO浓度测定检查方式,能够较为直接地反映患者过敏性鼻炎的症状,对于患者及早介入相应的治疗具有重要意义。 Objective To analyze the application value of nitric oxide concentration in the diagnosis of allergic rhinitis.Methods Totally 50 patients with allergic rhinitis admitted to Beijing Aerospace Center Hospital from July 2018 to September 2019 were selected as the observation group,and 50 healthy adults in the same period were selected as the control group.To compare the data difference between the two groups of patients using breath nitric oxide concentration measurement,as well as the observation group of patients using budesonide drug treatment 14 days after the concentration of nitric oxide and the incidence of clinical manifestations compared with before treatment.Results There were significant differences in the clinical diagnosis between the two groups,the concentration of no in the control group was significantly lower than that in the observation group,and the concentration of no in the observation group after 14 days was significantly lower than that before treatment,and compared with the incidence before and after treatment,we can see that there were fewer and fewer patients with clinical symptoms after treatment,and there was significant difference compared with that before treatment(P<0.05).Conclusion The detection of no concentration in nasal exhalation can directly reflect the symptoms of allergic rhinitis,which is of great significance for the early intervention of patients.
作者 王淑珍 段星 郭良蓉 曹金英 白雪莲 WANG Shuzhen;DUAN Xing;GUO Liangrong;CAO Jinying;BAI Xuelian(Respiratory Department of Aerospace Center Hospital,Beijing 100039,China)
出处 《大医生》 2020年第1期3-5,共3页 Doctor
关键词 鼻呼出气一氧化氮浓度 过敏性鼻炎 一氧化氮浓度测量 nasal exhalation nitric oxide concentration allergic rhinitis nitric oxide concentration was measured
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