

Government-Society Interaction:From "Contentious-Creative Politics" to "Vertical Democracy-Cooperative Governance" in Contemporary China--Based on Democracy Motivations and Governance Opportunities among Social Conflicts
摘要 "抗争-创造性政治"理论框架在具体社会冲突化解上的无力与在政府角色功能发挥上的盲区,提出了探索新的研究进路与构建新的指导理论的必要性,而社会冲突的民主动因与治理机遇则提供了探索新的研究进路与构建新的指导理论的可能性。立足于社会冲突的民主动因与治理机遇,以政社互动为中心,在政治共同体的纵向结构上强调增进政治建筑与社会基础的制度化联接,提高政府的政治代表性与政治共同体的民主化水平,而在政治共同体的横向结构上则突出政府与社会的相对独立性,推动政府角色转型、引导多元主体参与治理,从而形成"纵向民主-合作治理"的理论框架。"纵向民主-合作治理"强调政府对社会冲突的全面认知,突出政府角色的能动性,拓展政社互动的时机与空间,从而理性应对社会冲突与抗争。在政府发挥主观能动性、以理性选择进行政治代表、引导政社互动的过程中,不但要充分利用人大制度和政协制度的既有制度资源实践纵向民主,而且要充分发挥法治建设与社会组织在合作治理之中所具有的重要作用。 The weakness of the theoretical framework of"contentious-creative politics"in the resolution of specific social conflicts and the blind spots in the function of government roles,which propose the necessity of exploring new research approaches and constructing new guiding theories.And the democratic motivation and governance opportunities of social conflicts provide the possibility of exploring new research approaches and constructing new guiding theories.Based on the democratic motivation and governance opportunities of social conflicts,centered on government-society interaction,we emphasize the institutional connection between political structures and social foundations along the vertical structure of the political community to improve the political representation of the government and the level of democratization.While the horizontal structure of the political community highlights the relative independence of the government and society,promotes the transformation of government roles,and guides multiple subjects to participate in governance,thereby forming a theoretical framework of"vertical democracy-cooperative governance"."Vertical democracy-cooperative governance"emphasizes the government's comprehensive understanding of social conflicts,highlights the initiative of the role of government,expands the opportunity and space for government-society interacting,and thus rationally responds to social conflicts.In the process of the government exerting subjective initiative to do the work of political representation based on rational choice and guiding the interaction between the political system and the society,we must not only make full use of the existing institutional resources of the NPC system and the CPPCC system to practice vertical democracy,but also fully play the important role of the construction of rule of law and social organizations in the construction of cooperative governance.
作者 张正州 ZHANG Zhengzhou
出处 《领导科学论坛》 2020年第11期72-82,共11页 The Forum of Leadership Science
关键词 政社互动 社会冲突 抗争性政治 纵向民主 合作治理 government-society interaction social conflicts contentious politics vertical democracy cooperative governance
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