Lysine methylation of histones and non-histones plays a pivotal role in diverse cellular processes.The SMYD(SET and MYND domain)family methyltransferases can methylate various histone and non-histone substrates in mammalian systems,implicated in HSP90 methylation,myofilament organization,cancer inhibition,and gene transcription regulation.To resolve controversies concerning SMYD's substrates and functions,we studied SMYD1(TTHERM_00578660),the only homologue of SMYD in the unicellular eukaryote Tetrahymena thermophila.We epitope-tagged SMYD1,and analyzed its localization and interactome.We also characterized △SMYD1 cells,focusing on the replication and transcription phenotype.Our results show that:(1)SMYD1 is present in both cytoplasm and transcriptionally active macronucleus and shuttles between cytoplasm and macronucleus,suggesting its potential association with both histone and non-histone substrates;(2)SMYD1 is involved in DNA replication and regulates transcription of metabolism-related genes;(3)HSP90 is a potential substrate for SMYD1 and it may regulate target selection of HSP90,leading to pleiotropic effects in both the cytoplasm and the nucleus.
supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province(JQ201706 to SG)
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(201841013 to SG)
National Science Foundation[MCB 1411565 to YL]
National Institutes of Health Foundation[R01 GM087343 to YL].