
青年志愿者心理资本对志愿行为影响的分析研究 被引量:14

A Grounded Theory Study on the Influences of Young Volunteers’Psychological Capital on Volunteering
摘要 志愿者心理资本包括感恩感戴、责任使命、乐观希望、坚强韧性和自我效能5个维度,且各维度正向影响志愿行为。在对18名青年志愿者研究基础上,构建了志愿者心理资本影响志愿行为的机制模型,即社会支持和志愿动机在心理资本与志愿行为关系中起链式中介效应,角色认同在其关系中起调节效应。为促进志愿行为可持续发展,就要培育志愿者“为国谋发展、为民造福祉”的价值理念,赋予其更加崇高美丽的价值形象;培育志愿者理性强烈的需要动机,促使其坚守“自利利他,法皆具足”的初心和使命;培育志愿者积极乐观的心理预期和理性的归因方式,涵养强大的心理复原力;构建完备、体贴、温馨的社会支持系统,形成志愿行为产生、稳定和可持续发展的合力。 Grounded theory was used to detect 18 young volunteers’interview data deeply from different volunteer institutions.We found the volunteers’psychological capital contained the following five dimensions:feel sympathy,responsible mission,optimistic hope,resilience and self-confidence,and each dimension of psychological capital reflected positive effect on volunteering.On that basis,we constructed the mechanism model of volunteer psychological capital affecting volunteer behavior,which reflected that social support and voluntary motivation played a chain role in the relationship between psychological capital and voluntary behavior,and role identification played a moderating role in its relationship.Government could strengthen the sustainable development of volunteering from the following aspects:while cultivating the value concept of volunteers“for the development of the country and for the well-being of the people”,and giving them a higher and more beautiful value image;cultivating volunteers’rational and strong motivation of need,and prompting them to adhere to the original heart and mission of“selfish altruism”;cultivating volunteers’positive and optimistic psychological expectations and rational attribution methods,and nurturing strong psychological resilience;meanwhile,we should build a complete,considerate and warm social support system to form a joint force for the generation,stability and sustainable development of volunteering.
作者 徐礼平 韩一 Xu Liping;Han Yi(Department of Social Science,Zunyi Medical University)
出处 《当代青年研究》 CSSCI 2020年第3期26-32,共7页 Contemporary Youth Research
基金 国家社科基金青年项目“心理资本视角下志愿行为可持续性发展机制研究”阶段性成果,项目编号:17CGL039。
关键词 志愿行为 心理资本 角色认同 社会支持 志愿动机 Volunteering Psychological Capital Role Identification Social Support Voluntary Motivation
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