
全球气候治理的“行动转向”与中国的战略选择 被引量:24

The "Action Turn" of Global Climate Governance and China’s Strategic Options
摘要 2018年卡托维兹气候会议和2019年马德里气候会议大体上完成了《巴黎协定》实施细则谈判,标志着全球气候治理迎来了一个不同以往的"行动转向",转向全面执行法律制度的行动阶段。这是全球气候治理30多年"法制化"演进的历史性成果。人们对全球气候变化科学认知的不断普及和深入、全球气候变化治理紧迫性的不断增强以及非国家行为体的积极驱动等因素共同推动了这种"行动转向"。这种"行动转向"在全球层面上意味着《联合国气候变化框架公约》缔约方会议等机构的职责、功能与角色将随之变化,主要是要发挥好贯彻、监督、政治动员、搜集处理和公布各种信息等功能,同时还要把《联合国气候变化框架公约》缔约方会议转变成全球气候治理行动的发动机和总动员处;在国家层面上意味着各国的核心任务和行动也要随之改变,主要是要切实履行好《巴黎协定》实施细则下的各项职责与义务,同心协力地推动全球气候治理(低碳发展)的"转型点"早日到来。面对全球气候治理的"行动转向",中国要以推动构建人类命运共同体理念为指导,持续推进《巴黎协定》实施细则的落实,在立足国内的前提下,以共建绿色"一带一路"为实践平台,以建设全球生态文明为宗旨,通过在全球气候治理中积极发挥负责任大国的作用,统筹协调好全球层面、地区层面和国家层面的气候治理行动,积极构建全球气候命运共同体、地区气候命运共同体和国家气候命运共同体,并努力实现三者之间的良性互动。 Katowice Climate Conference in 2018 and Madrid Climate Conference in 2019 completed most of the negotiations on the Rulebook of the Paris Agreement,turning the global climate governance into a period of action for the full implementation of this legal system.This is the historical achievement of the evolution of "legalization" for the past three decades of global climate governance.The deepening of scientific cognition of global climate change,the increasing urgency of governance,the huge emission gap and the positive drive of non-state actors jointly promoted this "action turn".This "action turn" means that the responsibilities,functions and roles of the parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and other institutions will also change at the global level.They should play a good role in the implementation,supervision,political mobilization,and so on and so forth,turning themselves into a driving force for the global climate governance.Their core tasks at the national level are to fulfill all the responsibilities and obligations under the Rulebook of the Paris Agreement,and work together to promote the low-carbon development and the transformation of global climate governance.Facing the "action turn" of global climate governance,China should continue to promote the implementation of the Rulebook of the Paris Agreement under the guidance of the concept of promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.China should coordinate the global climate actions at the global level,regional level and national level based on its own national conditions,and take the strategy of Three Circles as a whole.Anyway,China should make efforts to build a global climate community,a regional climate community and a national climate community with a shared future through the construction of the green "Belt and Road."
作者 李慧明 Li Huiming
出处 《国际观察》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期57-85,共29页 International Review
基金 国家社科基金一般项目“构建人类命运共同体背景下中国推动全球气候治理体系改革和建设的战略研究”(项目编号:18BGJ081)的阶段性成果。
关键词 全球气候治理 《巴黎协定》实施细则 “行动转向” 中国战略选择 Global Climate Governance Rulebook of the Paris Agreement Action Turn China’s Strategic Options
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