
基于微信的延续护理对腰椎融合术后疗效的影响 被引量:3

Effect of Continuous Nursing Care Based on WeChat Platform on Postoperative Efficacy of Lumbar Fusion
摘要 目的探讨基于微信的延续护理对腰椎融合术后临床疗效的影响。方法80例行腰椎后路融合术的患者随机分为观察组和对照组。对照组实行常规的出院宣教与电话随访;观察组在出院宣教与电话随访的基础上,实行基于微信的出院后延续护理。比较两组患者的术后满意度、视觉模拟评分(Visual Analogue Scale,VAS)、日本骨科协会评估治疗分数(Japanese Orthopaedic Association Scores,JOA)及JOA恢复率。结果术后平均随访14.3个月。末次随访时,观察组满意率为92.5%,明显高于对照组的75.0%(P<0.05);术后3天,两组VAS和JOA评分无显著差异(P>0.05),术后3个月至12个月,观察组VAS和JOA评分均明显优于对照组(P<0.05);观察组术后1年的JOA恢复率为85.0%,明显高于对照组的62.5%(P<0.05)。结论基于微信的延续护理可提高腰椎融合术后患者的满意度,促进术后的功能恢复,提高疗效。 Objective To evaluate the clinical effectiveness of continuous nursing care based on WeChat platform on postoperative efficacy of lumbar fusion.Methods A total of 80 patients underwent posterior lumbar fusion were included,which were randomly divided into the observation group and the control group.Routine discharge education and telephone follow-up were carried out in the control group.Besides the routine education and telephone follow-up,the patients in the observation group were given continuous nursing care after discharge based on WeChat platform.The satisfaction rate,Visual Analogue Scale(VAS),Japanese Orthopaedic Association Scores(JOA)and JOA recovery rate were compared between the two groups.Results The mean follow-up was 14.3 months.At the final follow-up,the satisfaction rate of the observation group was 92.5%,significantly higher than that of the control group(75.0%,P<0.05).Three days after the operation,there was no significant difference in VAS and JOA scores between the two groups(P>0.05).However,from 3 months to 1 year after the operation,the VAS and JOA scores of the observation group were significantly higher than those of the control group(P<0.05).One year after the operation,the recovery rate of JOA in the observation group was 85.0%,significantly higher than that of the control group(62.5%,P<0.05).Conclusion Continuous nursing based on WeChat platform can improve the satisfaction rate of patients after posterior lumbar fusion,promote postoperative functional recovery and improve the clinical effectiveness.
作者 虞怡纮 杨洁 周玲 YU Yihong;YANG Jie;ZHOU Ling(Department of Orthopedics,Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital,Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine,Shanghai 200233,China)
出处 《组织工程与重建外科杂志》 2020年第3期250-252,共3页 Journal of Tissue Engineering and Reconstructive Surgery
基金 上海交通大学医学院附属第六人民医院院级课题(2054)。
关键词 微信 延续护理 腰椎融合术 WeChat Continuous nursing care Lumbar fusion
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