
基于AutoMos自动化监测系统在地铁工程中的应用与研究 被引量:6

Study on Application of Auto-Monitoring System Based on AutoMos in Metro Engineering
摘要 自动化监测技术是推进施工信息化的重点发展方向,利用信息化技术逐步实现工程监测的数据采集分析、信息反馈及实时定位查询,以实现信息化安全施工管理。本文以长沙地铁5号线万家丽广场站为工程背景,首次采用AutoMos自动化监测系统对地铁车站基坑施工过程进行自动化监测,采集得到了地铁基坑开挖过程中围护结构水平位移、周边建筑物沉降变形、基坑内高架桥桥墩沉降变形、既有车站立柱沉降变形分析的有效监测数据。主要结论如下:1)基坑开挖时,围护结构水平位移曲线在距离基坑中部的位置呈现“弓”型,局部有锯齿状变化趋势;对比传统围护结构的测斜监测,AutoMos自动化监测结果与其所得围护结构水平位移变化趋势一致,验证了自动化数据的有效性和准确性;2)房屋累计沉降与其到左右隧道中心距离呈线性关系,受到左、右线掘进的影响,房屋监测点累计沉降值在8mm内,符合规范要求;3)受到围护结构内侧变形引起的土体不均匀沉降和固结变形的影响,靠近北部基坑的高架桥墩监测点Q17、Q18累计沉降分别达到-5.79mm、-7.01mm,Q21点累计沉降最大达到-6.35mm;4)靠近北基坑的既有车站立柱沉降监测点LZ4随基坑开挖沉降变形增大,直至负一层底板浇筑后趋于稳定。基于AutoMos自动化监测在监测过程中充分体现了其优势和作用,具有重要的工程应用价值和指导意义。 Automated monitoring technology is one of the key development directions of promoting construction informatization.The information technology is now gradually applied to realize the data collection and analysis,information feedback and real-time location query of project monitoring,so as to realize the information safety construction management.This paper takes Wanjiali Square Station of Changsha Metro Line 5 as an engineering example,for the first time to use the automatic monitoring system,AutoMos,to monitor the construction process of the foundation pit of the metro station,acquiring effective monitoring data in the excavation process,including horizontal displacement of retaining structure,settlement deformation of surrounding buildings,settlement deformation of viaduct pier in foundation pit,and settlement deformation analysis of existing station column.The main conclusions are as follows:(1)During the excavation of foundation pit,the horizontal displacement curve of the retaining structure is in broken line shape at the distance from the middle of the foundation pit,and partially in zigzag shape.Compared with the traditional inclinometer monitoring,the automatic monitoring results of automos are consistent with the horizontal displacement trend of the envelope,which verifies the validity and accuracy of the automatic data;(2)The accumulated settlement of the house is linear with the distance to the center of the left and right tunnels,which is affected by the excavation of the left and right lines.The accumulated settlement of the house monitoring points is within 8mm,which meets the requirements of the specifications;(3)Affected by the uneven settlement and consolidation deformation of soil caused by the deformation inside the retaining structure,the accumulated settlement of Q17 and Q18 monitoring points of viaduct piers near the North foundation pit is-5.79mm and-7.01mm respectively,and the maximum accumulated settlement of Q21 point is-6.35mm;(4)The settlement monitoring point of the existing station column close to the North foundation pit,LZ4,increases with the settlement deformation of the foundation pit excavation until the negative first floor slab is stable after pouring.The automatic monitoring based on AutoMos fully embodies its advantages and functions in the monitoring process,which has important engineering application value and guiding significance.
作者 谭伟 Tan Wei(Changsha Metro Group Co.,Ltd.,Changsha 410019,China)
出处 《土木建筑工程信息技术》 2020年第2期28-36,共9页 Journal of Information Technology in Civil Engineering and Architecture
关键词 自动化监测 地铁车站 围护结构变形 房屋沉降 桥墩沉降 Automatic Monitoring Deformation of Metro Station Enclosure Structure Settlement of Building Settlement of Pier
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